Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition

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ISBN 9789027224613 (Eur) | EUR 99.00
ISBN 9781556190926 (USA) | USD 149.00
ISBN 9789027224620 (Eur) | EUR 33.00
ISBN 9781556190933 (USA) | USD 49.95
ISBN 9789027281814 | EUR 99.00/33.00*
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This book explores the relationship between linguistic universals and second language acquisition. Although no knowledge of generative grammar is presupposed, the theoretical framework underlying the work is the principles and parameters approach to Universal Grammar (UG), as realized in Chomsky's Government and Binding theory.
In recent research, the question has arisen as to whether the principles and parameters of UG remain available in language acquisition that is non-primary. Within second language acquisition theorizing, hypotheses have ranged from UG playing no role at all to UG operating exactly as in primary language acquisition. In this work the theoretical arguments and data from the whole spectrum are reviewed.
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 16 september 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


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CF: Linguistics

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