Tonjes Veenstra

List of John Benjamins publications for which Tonjes Veenstra plays a role.

Book series

Advances in Contact Linguistics: In honour of Pieter Muysken

Edited by Norval Smith, Tonjes Veenstra and Enoch O. Aboh

[Contact Language Library, 57] 2020. ix, 400 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical linguistics

Creole Languages and Linguistic Typology

Edited by Parth Bhatt and Tonjes Veenstra

[Benjamins Current Topics, 57] 2013. v, 279 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology

Cleft Structures

Edited by Katharina Hartmann and Tonjes Veenstra

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 208] 2013. viii, 348 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Creoles and Typology

Edited by Parth Bhatt and Tonjes Veenstra

Special issue of Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 26:1 (2011) v, 233 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology

Creolization and Contact

Edited by Norval Smith and Tonjes Veenstra

[Creole Language Library, 23] 2001. vi, 323 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | Historical linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Veenstra, Tonjes, Norval Smith and Enoch O. Aboh 2020 Introduction. Pieter C. Muysken: A brief biography, a language contact bibliography and a Festschrift summaryAdvances in Contact Linguistics: In honour of Pieter Muysken, Smith, Norval, Tonjes Veenstra and Enoch O. Aboh (eds.), pp. 1–34 | Chapter
Veenstra, Tonjes and Luis López 2016 Little v and cross-linguistic variation: Evidence from code switching and the Surinamese creolesTheoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation, Bidese, Ermenegildo, Federica Cognola and Manuela Caterina Moroni (eds.), pp. 317–336 | Article
The main claim of this paper is that little v is responsible for a range of grammatical properties of the predicate phrase that it selects for. Bilingual light verb constructions in several code-switching varieties provide strong evidence for this claim. It allows us to broaden the empirical scope… read more
van de Vate, Marleen Susanne and Tonjes Veenstra 2016 Non-finiteness in SaamákaFiniteness Matters: On finiteness-related phenomena in natural languages, Eide, Kristin Melum (ed.), pp. 189–210 | Article
In this paper we demonstrate that the creole language Saamáka does exhibit the finite vs. non-finite distinction by analysing the semantic characteristics and syntactic distribution of complementizer fu. We adopt a Klein style analysis of finiteness and argue that clauses embedded under this… read more
Bhatt, Parth and Tonjes Veenstra 2013 IntroductionCreole Languages and Linguistic Typology, Bhatt, Parth and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.), pp. 1–7 | Article
Hartmann, Katharina and Tonjes Veenstra 2013 IntroductionCleft Structures, Hartmann, Katharina and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.), pp. 1–32 | Article
Aboh, Enoch O., Adrienne Bruyn, James Essegbey, Silvia Kouwenberg, Rocky R. Meade, Pieter Muysken, Margot van den Berg and Tonjes Veenstra 2011 A Tribute to Norval SmithJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 26:2, pp. 235–246 | Article
Bhatt, Parth and Tonjes Veenstra 2011 IntroductionCreoles and Typology, Bhatt, Parth and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.), pp. 1–3 | Article
Veenstra, Tonjes 2009 Verb allomorphy and the syntax of phasesComplex Processes in New Languages, Aboh, Enoch O. and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 99–113 | Article
In a number of French-related creoles a distinction is made between long and short forms of verbs. We argue that the alternation is a reflex of French inflectional morphology that has survived the creolization process, showing that the result is a long-short opposition of verb forms, similar to the… read more
Veenstra, Tonjes 2006 Modelling Creole Genesis: Headedness in morphologyStructure and Variation in Language Contact, Deumert, Ana and Stephanie Durrleman (eds.), pp. 61–83 | Chapter
In this paper we address two current claims in creole studies: (i) adults in the creolization are the innovators; (ii) the grammatical properties of creoles are either the result of continuities from the superstrate language(s) or from the substrate language(s), i.e. discontinuities are assumed not… read more
Becker, Angelika and Tonjes Veenstra 2003 Creole prototypes as basic varieties and inflectional morphologyInformation Structure and the Dynamics of Language Acquisition, Dimroth, Christine and Marianne Starren (eds.), pp. 235–264 | Article
Smith, Norval and Tonjes Veenstra 2001 IntroductionCreolization and Contact, Smith, Norval and Tonjes Veenstra (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article
Bakker, Peter, Norval Smith and Tonjes Veenstra 1994 14. SaramaccanPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 165–178 | Chapter
Law, Paul and Tonjes Veenstra 1994 A Note on Theme-Serial Verb Constructions in HaitianJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 9:1, pp. 121–126 | To be specified
Muysken, Pieter and Tonjes Veenstra 1994 11. Universalist approachesPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 121–134 | Chapter
Muysken, Pieter and Tonjes Veenstra 1994 23. Serial verbsPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 289–301 | Chapter
Muysken, Pieter and Tonjes Veenstra 1994 13. HaitianPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 153–164 | Chapter
Veenstra, Tonjes and Hans den Besten 1994 24. FrontingPidgins and Creoles: An introduction, Arends, Jacques, Pieter Muysken and Norval Smith (eds.), pp. 303–315 | Chapter
Bruyn, Adrienne and Tonjes Veenstra 1993 The Creolization of DutchJournal of Pidgin and Creole Languages 8:1, pp. 29–80 | Article
The aim of this article is a systematic investigation of certain grammatical aspects of three languages that came about as by-products of colonial expansion of the Dutch during the seventeenth century: Afrikaans, Negerhollands, and Berbice Dutch. The discussion is centered on three grammatical… read more
Veenstra, Tonjes 1993 Serial verb constructions, parameter settings and thematic restrictions on argument sharingLinguistics in the Netherlands 1993, Drijkoningen, Frank and Kees Hengeveld (eds.), pp. 153–164 | Article