Veroniek Knockaert

List of John Benjamins publications for which Veroniek Knockaert plays a role.


Body Image and Body Schema: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the body

Edited by Helena De Preester and Veroniek Knockaert

[Advances in Consciousness Research, 62] 2005. ix, 343 pp.
Subjects Consciousness research | Neuropsychology


De Preester, Helena and Veroniek Knockaert 2005 IntroductionBody Image and Body Schema: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the body, De Preester, Helena and Veroniek Knockaert (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Miscellaneous
Knockaert, Veroniek and Katrien Steenhoudt 2005 Anorectics and the mirrorBody Image and Body Schema: Interdisciplinary perspectives on the body, De Preester, Helena and Veroniek Knockaert (eds.), pp. 283–297 | Article