Els Tobback

List of John Benjamins publications for which Els Tobback plays a role.


Information Structure, Discourse Structure and Grammatical Structure

Edited by Bart Defrancq, Gudrun Rawoens and Els Tobback

[Belgian Journal of Linguistics, 26] 2012. v, 159 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics


Defrancq, Bart, Gudrun Rawoens and Els Tobback 2012 IntroductionInformation Structure, Discourse Structure and Grammatical Structure, Defrancq, Bart, Gudrun Rawoens and Els Tobback (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Article
This paper offers a corpus-based study of two evidential (semi-)copular verbs in French. It deals with their degree of synonymy and the extent to which they are grammaticalized as semi-copulas. First, the study of subcategorization and semantic restrictions of both the direct and indirect (marked)… read more