Chapter 6
Summative and formative pronunciation assessment in Polish
secondary schools
The students’ perspective
This chapter reports on a study verifying the
frequency with which summative (SA) and formative assessment (FA) of
pronunciation is used during EFL courses in secondary schools in
Poland. It also shows aspects of pronunciation students are
typically assessed for and types of tasks chosen by teachers as a
basis for pronunciation assessment provision. Additionally, it
presents students’ opinions on the consequences of the amount and
quality of pronunciation feedback and assessment offered to them
during their secondary school education. The chapter opens with an
overview of SA and FA and the types and roles of assessment in
pronunciation teaching. It closes with several practical
implications related to the use of pronunciation SA and FA, derived
from the reported study.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Summative and formative assessment
- Pronunciation assessment in the FL classroom
- Method
- Research questions
- Participants
- Instrument
- Data-gathering and analysis procedures
- Results: Presentation and discussion
- Quantitative data: Frequency of SA and FA of pronunciation
- Quantitative data: Task types used for SA/FA and pronunciation aspects
assessed by SA/FA
- Qualitative data
- Pedagogical implications
- Conclusion