Aleksiejuk, Katarzyna
Translation of Scientific Texts into English as Intercultural Mediation.
Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium 8:2
► pp. 117 ff.

Anikina, Zhanna, Ksenia Girfanova & Liubov Goncharova
“Writing for English-medium publication is a journey to nowhere — no route and no tools”: Russian academics’ perceptions of the existing publication support.
Higher Education 
Chauke, Ezekiel & Khashane Stephen Malatji
Exploring the Implications of the Articulation Gap on Grade 6 EFAL Learners’ Essay Writing Skills.
E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences ► pp. 364 ff.

Kashiha, Hadi
Critical comments in the disciplines: a comparative look at peer review reports in applied linguistics and engineering.
Text & Talk 
McKinley, Jim
Language Standards in Academic Writing. In
Reference Module in Social Sciences,

Menga, Filippo
Multiple Political Geographies. In
Political Geography in Practice,
► pp. 225 ff.

Warren, Leiry K. & Masatoshi Sato
Multilingualism and native speakerism in academic journals’ language policies: Exploring a potential power of applied linguistics journals in promoting equitable publishing practices.
Studies in Second Language Acquisition 46:3
► pp. 921 ff.

Makena, Bulelwa & Nomasomi Hilda Matiso
The Impact of Linguistic Constituencies on Language Proficiency.
E-Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences ► pp. 1453 ff.

Peters, Uwe
Linguistic Discrimination in Science: Can English Disfluency Help Debias Scientific Research?.
International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 36:1
► pp. 61 ff.

Soler, Josep, Iker Erdocia & Kristof Savski
Strauss, Pat & Emmanuel Manalo
Xu, Xiatinghan
Options in the (Semi-)Periphery: A Review of Multilingual Scholars’ Choices of Topics, Methodologies, and Theories in Research and Publishing.
Publications 11:4
► pp. 50 ff.

Burgess, Sally
On Mediating and Being Mediated: Experiences of Harmony and Contention. In
The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication,
► pp. 207 ff.

Kim, Dongbin, Sung-Sang Yoo, Heekwon Sohn & Erin L. Sonneveldt
The segmented mobility of globally mobile academics: a case study of foreign professors at a Korean university.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 52:8
► pp. 1259 ff.

Pawlicka, Aleksandra, Michał Choraś & Marek Pawlicki
Opening up a discussion on the native speaker myth in science.
Accountability in Research 29:7
► pp. 477 ff.

Smirnova, Natalia & Theresa Lillis
Zhang, Ting & Mary Jane Curry
How do we know (if) it works? A review of research evaluating publishing pedagogies for multilingual writers.
Journal of Second Language Writing 58
► pp. 100917 ff.

Abdeljaoued, Marii & Tahar Labassi
English as the lingua franca of academic publishing in Tunisia.
World Englishes 40:2
► pp. 245 ff.

Bardi, Mirela
‘How can I make something interesting for me relevant for the wider community?’ – An ethnographic exploration of Romanian researchers’ adjustment to research communication standards.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 49
► pp. 100943 ff.

Getahun, Dawit Asrat, Waheed Hammad & Anna Robinson-Pant
Academic writing for publication: Putting the ‘international’ into context.
Research in Comparative and International Education 16:2
► pp. 160 ff.

Mendoza, Arturo, Viviana Oropeza, Daniel Rodríguez, Zazil Sobrevilla & Joaquín Martínez
Rodríguez, Alma D., Sandra I. Musanti & Alyssa G. Cavazos
Translanguaging in higher education in the US: leveraging students’ bilingualism.
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 18:4
► pp. 353 ff.

Shleykina, Galina & Frances Junnier
Smirnova, Natalia V., Theresa Lillis & Anna Kristina Hultgren
English and/or Russian medium publications? A case study exploring academic research writing in contemporary Russian academia.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 53
► pp. 101015 ff.

Demeter, Márton
The Dynamics Behind the Problem of Inequality: The World-System of Global Inequality in Knowledge Production. In
Academic Knowledge Production and the Global South,
► pp. 63 ff.

Eve, Martin Paul, Cameron Neylon, Daniel Paul O'Donnell, Samuel Moore, Robert Gadie, Victoria Odeniyi & Shahina Parvin
Reading Peer Review,

Lei, Siyu & Ruiying Yang
Lexical richness in research articles: Corpus-based comparative study among advanced Chinese learners of English, English native beginner students and experts.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 47
► pp. 100894 ff.

Lillis, Theresa, Maria Leedham & Alison Twiner
Time, the Written Record, and Professional Practice: The Case of Contemporary Social Work.
Written Communication 37:4
► pp. 431 ff.

Monteiro, Kátia & Eliana Hirano
A periphery inside a semi-periphery: The uneven participation of Brazilian scholars in the international community.
English for Specific Purposes 58
► pp. 15 ff.

Starks, Donna & Howard Nicholas
Reflections of Vietnamese English Language Educators on Their Writer Identities in English and Vietnamese.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 19:3
► pp. 179 ff.

Broekhoff, Marna
Perceived Challenges to Anglophone Publication at Three Universities in Chile.
Publications 7:4
► pp. 61 ff.

Corcoran, James
Addressing the “Bias Gap”: A Research-Driven Argument for Critical Support of Plurilingual Scientists’ Research Writing.
Written Communication 36:4
► pp. 538 ff.

Curry, Mary Jane & Theresa Lillis
Unpacking the Lore on Multilingual Scholars Publishing in English: A Discussion Paper.
Publications 7:2
► pp. 27 ff.

Flowerdew, John
The linguistic disadvantage of scholars who write in English as an additional language: Myth or reality.
Language Teaching 52:02
► pp. 249 ff.

Hanauer, David I., Cheryl L. Sheridan & Karen Englander
Linguistic Injustice in the Writing of Research Articles in English as a Second Language: Data From Taiwanese and Mexican Researchers.
Written Communication 36:1
► pp. 136 ff.

Hultgren, Anna Kristina
English as the Language for Academic Publication: on Equity, Disadvantage and ‘Non-Nativeness’ as a Red Herring.
Publications 7:2
► pp. 31 ff.

Hultgren, Anna Kristina
Certifying Knowledge Under Neoliberalism: Global Inequality and Academic Wellbeing. In
The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication,
► pp. 163 ff.

Nygaard, Lynn P.
The Institutional Context of ‘Linguistic Injustice’: Norwegian Social Scientists and Situated Multilingualism.
Publications 7:1
► pp. 10 ff.

Tardy, Christine M.
We Are All Reviewer #2: A Window into the Secret World of Peer Review. In
Novice Writers and Scholarly Publication,
► pp. 271 ff.

Hynninen, Niina
Impact of digital tools on the research writing process: A case study of collaborative writing in computer science.
Discourse, Context & Media 24
► pp. 16 ff.

Hynninen, Niina
Polycentricity and Scaling in Analysing Textual Trajectories of Writing for Publication. In
Academic Literacy Development,
► pp. 19 ff.

Hynninen, Niina
Moments and mechanisms of intervention along textual trajectories: norm negotiations in English-medium research writing.
Text & Talk 42:2
► pp. 209 ff.

Lillis, Theresa
Resistir regímenes de evaluación en el estudio del escribir.
Signo y Pensamiento 36:71
► pp. 66 ff.

Lillis, Theresa & Mary Jane Curry
Trajectories of knowledge and desire: Multilingual women scholars researching and writing in academia.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 32
► pp. 53 ff.

Lillis, Theresa & Mary Jane Curry
Rai, Lucy
How to Get Published in a Peer Reviewed Journal: Reflections on Panel Discussion at the International Council for Open and Distance Education: World Conference on Online Learning 16–19th October 2017, Toronto, Canada.
Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning 33:1
► pp. 70 ff.

Hynninen, Niina & Maria Kuteeva
“Good” and “acceptable” English in L2 research writing: Ideals and realities in history and computer science.
Journal of English for Academic Purposes 30
► pp. 53 ff.

Paltridge, Brian
Conclusions. In
The Discourse of Peer Review,
► pp. 183 ff.

Paltridge, Brian
Pragmatics and Reviewers’ Reports. In
The Discourse of Peer Review,
► pp. 67 ff.

Paltridge, Brian
The Genre of Reviewers’ Reports. In
The Discourse of Peer Review,
► pp. 31 ff.

Paltridge, Brian
Reviewers’ Feedback on Second-Language Writers’ Submissions to Academic Journals. In
Feedback in Second Language Writing,
► pp. 226 ff.

Corcoran, James & Karen Englander
A Proposal for Critical-Pragmatic Pedagogical Approaches to English for Research Publication Purposes.
Publications 4:1
► pp. 6 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 31 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.