Chapter 22
Looking ahead
Theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical implications
This closing chapter briefly summarizes research findings on the processes of word reading in three East-Asian orthographies (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) and calls for theoretical and practical attention related to word reading among speakers of these unique languages. Based on the analyses of and reflections on studies of the three orthographies, we first summarize what we know about word reading with respect to reading universals, reading particulars, and cross-language transfer. We then articulate theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical considerations to advance to the next phase of reading sciences in these three orthographies.
Article outline
What we know: Reading universals, particulars, and cross-linguistic influences
- Dominant research trend: Anglocentricity
- Reading universals
- Reading particulars
- Cross-linguistic influences
- What’s ahead: Theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical considerations
- Theory building
Methodological advances
Pedagogical implications
- Conclusion