Romantic Prose Fiction

 | Stanford University
 | University of Oxford
 | Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse
ISBN 9789027234568 | EUR 198.00 | USD 297.00
ISBN 9789027291646 | EUR 198.00 | USD 297.00
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In this volume a team of three dozen international experts presents a fresh picture of literary prose fiction in the Romantic age seen from cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspectives. The work treats the appearance of major themes in characteristically Romantic versions, the power of Romantic discourse to reshape imaginative writing, and a series of crucial reactions to the impact of Romanticism on cultural life down to the present, both in Europe and in the New World. Through its combination of chapters on thematic, generic, and discursive features, Romantic Prose Fiction achieves a unique theoretical stance, by considering the opinions of primary Romantics and their successors not as guiding “truths” by which to define the permanent “meaning” of Romanticism, but as data of cultural history that shed important light on an evolving civilization.

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Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 July 2008
Table of Contents
“[...] there are still relatively few truly comparative and collaborative studies of the kind represented by the volume at hand (and its counterparts in the ICLA'S CHLEL series). The continuing - indeed possibly even increasing - insularity of so much work in literary studies, despite all the cross-cultural name-dropping and second-hand allusion, is not worthy of an age, or a learned profession, that claims to have recognized the need for a heightened level of global awareness. That, if nothing else, is a compelling rationale for projects like Romantic Prose Fiction and the other volumes in the ICLA CHLEL series, and for their widest possible distribution and circulation.”
“This impressive volume offers a wealth of insights into the interrelationships of Romantic fictional prose throughout most of Europe and parts of the Americas, with additional glances toward Asia. Like its four predecessor volumes in the “Romanticism subseries" of the Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages (devoted, respectively, to Romatic irony, drama, poetry, and non-fictional prose), it is the result of a massive team effort by international scholars whose essays constantly interweave, reflecting on many of the same authors and works yet linking them to ever new texts and contexts. [...] Romantic Prose Fiction is a remarkable achievement, not only for the rich scope of materials and insights it offers, but for its valuable sub-text of self-reflection on the way a comparative study of Romanticism helps at times to clarify - and at times to problematize - our modern critical consciousness.”
“[...] das Buch bietet erstens eine gute Einführung in romantische Denk- und Darstellingsformen, und es bekommt zweitens durch das grosse Spektrum an komparatistischen Perspektiven den Charakter eines lehrreichen Handbuchs zur Romantik als internationaler Entwicklung, dessen Lektüre gerade auch jedem Germanisten empfohlen sei.”
“The editors of this volume are to be complimented on the comprehensive nature and quality of the studies they include. The impressive range of contributors is testimony in itself to the standard of scholarship on show, with some of the leading names in the field featuring prominently. There is also a notably international array of contributors, something crucial to but often absent from such volumes which claim comprehensive coverage and a comparative approach. In choosing such an array, the editors have managed to negotiate the potential pitfalls surrounding such comparative works, which perversely often fail to represent a truly broad range of approaches and cultural diversities. The volume ends with a full listing of the content of all five volumes in the subseries. The range of material covered is impressive and, even at a glance, it is clear what a mammoth undertaking this has been. The current volume is valuable in itself but, seen in the context of the entire subseries, it becomes clear that the editors have created an invaluable critical resource which would greatly enhance any scholarly library.”
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Cited by four other publications

ORAL, Erdi & Arzu ÖZYÖN
2023. New Image of the Child in Lord of the Flies and the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi DOI logo
Gillespie, Zane
2015. “Mesmeric Revelation”: Art as Hypnosis. Humanities 4:2  pp. 236 ff. DOI logo
Gillespie, Gerald E. P.
2008. The horizons of romanticism, two centuries later. Neohelicon 35:2  pp. 163 ff. DOI logo

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 13 july 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.


Main BIC Subject

DSB: Literary studies: general

Main BISAC Subject

LIT004130: LITERARY CRITICISM / European / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  2007038183 | Marc record