Or Words to That Effect
Orality and the writing of literary history
This volume raises questions about why oral celebrations of language receive so little attention in published literary histories when they are simultaneously recognized as fundamental to our understanding of literature. It aims to prompt debate regarding the transformations needed for literary historians to provide a more balanced and fuller appreciation of what we call literature, one that acknowledges the interdependence of oral storytelling and written expression, whether in print, pictorial, or digital form. Rather than offering a summary of current theories or prescribing solutions, this volume brings together distinguished scholars, conventional literary historians, and oral performer-practitioners from regions as diverse as South Africa, the Canadian Arctic, the Roma communities of Eastern Europe and the music industry of the American West in a conversation that engages the reader directly with the problems that they have encountered and the questions that they have explored in their work with orality and with literary history.
[Comparative History of Literatures in European Languages, XXVIII] 2016. vi, 317 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 22 January 2016
Published online on 22 January 2016
© John Benjamins B.V. / Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée
Table of Contents
IntroductionDaniel F. Chamberlain and J. Edward Chamberlin
PreliminariesJ. Edward Chamberlin
Section I.. Taking Up the Issues
Histories of Literature and the Question of Comparative Oral Literary HistoryDaniel F. Chamberlain
Levelling the Orality-Literacy Playing Field: Marcel Jousse’s Laboratory of Awareness and the Oral-Literary ContinuumEdgard Sienaert
Modes of Discourse, Modes of RationalityDavid R. Olson
Performing Writing and Singing Silence in the Anglo-Saxon Riddle TraditionAndy Orchard
Section II.. Listening Performances
In The Storyteller’s HouseDan Yashinsky
The Game of the Little Secrets or How to Learn (and to Teach) Mechanisms of OralityPaloma Díaz-Mas
Significant Spaces Between: Making Room for SilenceDaniel Heath Justice
The Story of Story and a Canon of StoryStuart McHardy
Made for You and Me: Treaties with First Nations and the Settlement of CanadaMichael Asch
Section III.. Stories of Storytelling
“Oral” in Literary History: The Case of Southern African LiteraturesMichael Chapman
Making Space for the Spoken WordKeavy Martin
Orality in Basque Literary HistoriographyJon Kortazar
The Ladder Holds Up the World AboveLee Haring
Oral and Written Šukar Laviben of the Roma: The Beginning of a Romani Literary HistoriographyBeate Eder-Jordan and Maria Witting
Section IV.. Communities in Comparative Encounters
Guaman Poma and His Traces: A Colonial Proposal to the Academic Debate Regarding Orality and WritingRoberto Viereck Salinas
The Study of the Elements of Literary History of the Khoekhoe and ǂKhomani Languages of Southern AfricaLevi Namaseb
The Stream of ǂKhomani StoriesNeil ten Kortenaar
The Puzzle of Voice: Oral Poetry and Literary StudiesFrederico Augusto Garcia Fernandes
Talking Technologies: Digital Poetry Meets OralityMaría Teresa Vilariño Picos
List of Contributors
“This is a formidable book which manages a broad range, sustains a high scholarly standard, and maintains a lucid ethical focus: a rare trifecta.”
Niall Gildea, University of London, in Recherche Littéraire/Literary Research, Vol. 33 (2017)
Cited by (3)
Cited by three other publications
Olson, David R.
Werberger, Annette
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Literature & Literary Studies
Main BIC Subject
DSB: Literary studies: general
Main BISAC Subject
LIT006000: LITERARY CRITICISM / Semiotics & Theory