Imitation and the Image of Man

ISBN 9789027242310 (Eur) | EUR 85.00
ISBN 9780915027217 (USA) | USD 128.00
ISBN 9789027242327 (Eur) | EUR 34.00
ISBN 9780915027224 (USA) | USD 49.95
ISBN 9789027279033 | EUR 85.00/34.00*
| USD 128.00/49.95*
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In the Imitation and the Image of Man James S. Hans presents his conception of the mimetic. His primary goal to this study is to broaden several kinds of discourse: first, to redfine our conception of the literary; second, to expand our ideas of the kinds of things that can be treated together; third, to enrich our understanding of the possibilities of the form of the essay; and fourth, to articulate the need for these changes in terms of a non-linear theory of imitation.
[Cultura Ludens, 3] 1987.  xviii, 163 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 19 December 2011
Table of Contents



Main BIC Subject

HP: Philosophy

Main BISAC Subject

PHI000000: PHILOSOPHY / General
ONIX Metadata
ONIX 2.1
ONIX 3.0
U.S. Library of Congress Control Number:  86031728 | Marc record