Chinese as a Second Language (漢語教學研究—美國中文教師學會學報)
Volume 53, Issue 3 (2018)
2018. iii, 116 pp.
Publishing status: Available
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Roles of action research in the professional development of Chinese language teachers: A case studyFangyuan Yuan | pp. 201–221
中文社交问答网络社区中的情境学习 (Situated learning in a Chinese question-and-answer online community): 以“知乎”为例 (The case of Zhihu) [Situated learning in a Chinese question-and-answer online community: The case of Zhihu]曾稚妮 | pp. 222–256
A qualitative inquiry of video learning by Chinese L2 learners: Learning internalization, understanding social realities, and reflecting on challengesTing Huang & Jayne C. Lammers | pp. 257–294
The knowledge base of Chinese as a second language teaching in K-12 settings: Staking out the territoryZiyi Geng & John Murphy | pp. 295–307
希贞秦 (Ed). 2017. 《中美跨文化交际误解分析与体演文化教学法》審查 刘颖 | pp. 308–311
Xiaomei Zu. 2015. Intercultural Communication [《跨文化交际》]Reviewed by Nan Zhang & Wei Hong | pp. 312–316
Book reviews
Main BIC Subject
CJA: Language teaching theory & methods
Main BISAC Subject