Approaches to Discourse, Poetics and Psychiatry
Papers from the 1985 Utrecht Summer School of Critical Theory
A collection of innovative essays representing the most recent developments in poetry as discourse, the discourse of power, and discourse of psychiatry and psychosis. The essays in this volume deal with questions of interpretation of poetry, psychoanalysis, and political theory. All are presented here as appropriate objects of discourse studies which go beyond conventional analysis.
[Critical Theory, 4] 1987. vi, 235 pp.
Publishing status:
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Language powerBill Dotson Smith | p. 1
Part I. Discourse and Power
IntroductionTeun A. van Dijk | p. 15
Resource power and autonomy through discourse in conflict: A Finnish migrant school strike in SwedenTove Skutnabb-Kangas | p. 25
The white discursive order: the British New Right's discourse on cultural racism with particular reference to the Salisbury ReviewGill Seidel | p. 39
The intervention of the media in the reproduction of powerRoger Fowler | p. 67
Elite discourse and racismTeun A. van Dijk | p. 81
Part II. Approaches to the Poetics of the Lyric
IntroductionMyriam Díaz-Diocaretz | p. 125
The manuscript and its interpreters: notes on the ‘omniscient reader’ of the poetics of the lyricIris M. Zavala | p. 131
The personal pragmatic institutions of poetic discourseRainer Grübel | p. 149
Semantics and phonetics in MontaleMario Alinei | p. 171
Modernist poetry? On the interference of genre and group code: the case of T.S. EliotDouwe W. Fokkema | p. 181
Part III. Language and Madness: Madness in Language
IntroductionHarly Sonne | p. 199
The discourse of psychosis and the process of listeningBent Rosenbaum | p. 201
The symbolic fatherAntoine Mooij | p. 215
Literacure: Madness and literature; psychiatry & criticismHarly Sonne | p. 223
Index | p. 237
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General