John Brinsley
17th-Century Pioneer in Applied Linguistics
John Brinsley (1566-c.1630) seems to have been the first English scholar to publish a comprehensive language-teaching course for students of Latin. His first textbook, which appeared in 1612, was a lengthy discussion of teaching method; it was followed by a grammar, and by translations of Latin texts of varying degrees of difficulty, arranged in a special format to assist private study. His last publication was a dictionary devoted to the kind of vocabulary relevant to the practical needs of the early 17th century, when Latin was still the language of the professions. So valuable did English schoolmasters find his works — which also stressed the necessity of studying the vernacular — that they were reprinted two or three times, and one (the grammar) reached a fifteenth edition. But they did not attain the continuing success which they deserved, because they were superseded from the 1630’s by the textbooks of Jan Amos Comenius (1592–1670) which were more specifically directed towards the growing scientific interests of the seventeenth century. Although the name of Brinsley has long been known to historians of education, no comprehensive account has previously been given of his writings or of his biography. This study is an attempt to supply more detailed information about both, and to assess his importance in the history of applied linguistics.
References (44)
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Ascham, Roger (1515–68). 1570. The Scholemaster. Or plaine and perfite way of teachyng children, to understand, write, and speake, the Latin tong. London: John Daye. (Facs.-repr., Menston: Scolar Press, 1967; re-ed. by Lawrence V. Ryan, Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell Univ. Press, 1967.)
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Brinsley, John (1566-C.1630). 1612a. Ludus Literarius: Or, the Grammar Schoole; shewing how to proceede from the first entrance into learning, to the highest perfection required in the grammar schooles, with ease, certainty and delight both to masters and schollars; onely according to our common grammar, and ordinary classicall authours. London: printed for Thomas Man. (Facs.-repr., Menston: Scolar Press, 1968.) (2nd ed., London: Felix Kyngston for John Bellamie, 1627. Repr., with an introduction and bibliographical notes by E(rnest) T(rafford) Campagnac, Liverpool: Liverpool Univ. Press, London: Constable Co., 1917.)
Brinsley, John. 1612b. The Posing of the Parts. Or, a most plaine and easie way of examining the accidence and grammar, by questions and answeres, arising directly out of the words of the rules. London: printed for Thomas Man. (Facs.-repr., Menston: Scolar Press, 1967. 2nd ed., 1615, 7th ed., 1630, 10th ed., 1647, 12th ed., 1669, 15th ed., 1687.)
Brinsley, John. 1612c. Cato Translated Grammatically; directing for understanding, construing, parsing, making, and prooving the same Latine: and so for continuait practice of the grammaticall analysis and genesis. Done for the good of schooles, and of all desirous to recover, or keep that which they got in the grammar-schoole, or to increase therein. London: printed by H. L. for Thomas Man. (2nd ed., 1622.)
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Brinsley, John. 1614. Corderius Dialogues Translated Grammatically. For the more speedy attaining to the knowledge of the Latine tongue, for writing and speaking Latine. (Reference in Adelung [1784]: title quoted from new ed., London: printed by Anne Griffin, for the assignes of Joane Man and Benjamin Fisher, 1636. New ed., 1653.)
Brinsley, John. 1616. The First Book of Tullies Offices Translated Grammatically, and also according to the Propriety of our English Tongue; for the more speedy and certain attaining of the singular learning contained in the same, to further to a pure Latin stile, and to expresse the mind more easily, both in English & Latine. London: printed by H. Lownes for Thomas Man. (New ed., 1631.)
Brinsley, John. 1617. Pueriles Confabulatiunculae: Or childrens dialogues, little conferences, or talkings together, or little speeches together, or dialogues fit for children. London: printed by H. L. for Thomas Man. (Facs.-repr., Menston: Scolar Press, 1971.)
Brinsley, John. 1618. Ovids Metamorphosis Translated Grammatically, and also according to the propriety of our English tongue, so farre as grammar and the verse will well beare. Written chiefly for the good of schooles, to be used according to the directions in the preface to the painefull schoole-master, and more fully in the booke called Ludus Literarius, or the grammar-schoole, chap. 8. London: Humfrey Lownes, for Thomas Man. (New ed., 1656.)
Brinsley, John. 1620. Virgils Eclogues, with his booke De Apibus, concerning the Government and Ordering of Bees, translated grammatically, and also according to the proprie tie of our English tongue, so farre as grammar and the verse will well permit. London: printed by Richard Field for Thomas Man. (New ed., 1633.)
Brinsley, John. 1622a. A Consolation for our Grammar Schooles: Or, a faithfull and most comfortable incouragement, for laying of a sure foundation of all good learning in our schooles, and for prosperous building thereupon. More specially for all those of the inferiour sort, and all ruder countries and places; namely, for Ireland, Wales, Virginia, with the Sommer Ilands, and for their more speedie attaining of our English tongue by the same labour, that all may speake one and the same language. London: printed by Richard Field for Thomas Man. (Ed., with an introduction and a bibliographical note by T(homas) C(lark) Pollock, New York: Scholars’ Facsimilies & Reprints: 1943. (Facs.-repr., The English Experience, 203; Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum; New York: Da Capo Press, 1969.)
Brinsley, John. 1622b. The Third Part of the True Watch, containing the call of the Lord, to awake all sorts to meet him with intreatie of peace, and so turne unto him by true repentance: shewing what causes we have forthwith to breath our selves to watching and prayer. London: printed by John Haviland for Thomas Pavier.
Brinsley, John. 1624. Esops Fables. Translated both grammatically, and also in propriety of our English phrase; and, every way, in such sort as may be most profitable for the grammar-schoole. London: J. D. for Thomas Man.
Brinsley, John. 1630. Stanbrigii embryon relimatum, seu vocabularium metricum olim à Iohanne Stanbrigio digestum, dein â Thoma Newtono aliquantulum repurgatum, nunc vera locupletatum, defaecatum, legitimo nec non rotundo plerumąue carmine exultans, & in maiorem pueritiae balbutientis usum un-dequaq accommodatum, extrema opera & industria Joh: Brinslaei. London: Clement Knight. (New eds., 1636, 1645, 1647.)
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Cited by three other publications
Plett, Heinrich F.
Quellen. In
Englische Rhetorik und Poetik 1479 – 1660,
► pp. 41 ff.

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