Historiographia Linguistica
Volume 20, Issue 2/3 (1993)
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 17 July 2012
Published online on 17 July 2012
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Les arabisants et la catégorie De ‘inšā’ : Histoire d’une ‘occultation’Pierre Larcher | pp. 259–282
Die verbalmodi in den grammatiken von manuel alvares (1572) und Bento Pereira (1672)Barbara Schäfer | pp. 283–308
William Holder and other 17th-century phoneticiansDavid Abercrombie | pp. 309–330
The roots of franz boas’ view of linguistic categories as a window to the human mindMichael Mackert | pp. 331–351
A minimalist program for linguistics: The work of zellig harris on meaning and informationBruce E. Nevin | pp. 355–398
The origin and developmemt of generative semanticsRandy Allen Harris | pp. 399–440
On generativity: The history of a notion that never wasJames W. Ney | pp. 341–454
Marr, Marx, and linguistics in the soviet unionGisela Bruche-Schulz | pp. 455–472
Julio Calvo Pérez. 1991. Tres biografías lingüísticas en torno a Cuenca Vol.III: Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro: Un científico a caballo entre dos mundosReviewed by Juan C. Zamora | pp. 477–481
Winfried Busse & Françoise Dougnac. 1992. François-Urbain Domergue: Le grammairien patriote (1745–1810)Compte rendu par Danielle Trudeau | pp. 473–476
A[gnija] V. Desnickaja (Ed. by). 1991. Istorija lingvističeskix učenij: Pozdnee srednevekovje [History of the linguistic sciences: The late Middle Ages]Reviewed by Jaroslav B. Rudnyćkyj | pp. 483–486
Kjell-Åke Forsgren. 1992. Satz, Satzarten, Satzglieder: Zur Gestaltung der deutschen traditionellen Grammatik von Karl Ferdinand Becker bis Konrad DudenRezensiert von Hans Dieter Erlinger & Clemens Knobloch | pp. 487–492
Joseph L. Subbiondo (Edited by). 1992. John Wilkins and 17th-Century British LinguisticsReviewed by D. H. Breyfogle | pp. 493–495
Meir Zislin (Hrsg., übersetzt und kommentiert von). 1990. “Licht des Auges”: Eine karäische Grammatik des Althebräischen nach der Handschrift aus dem Jahr 1208 [Mě’ōr ‘ayin (“Svetoč glaza”): Karaimskaja grammatika drevneevrejskogo jazyka po rukopisi 1208 g]Rezensiert von Sergej A. Romaschko | pp. 496–498
Archibald anderson hill (1902–1992)Charles T. Scott | pp. 499–508
Zellig Sabbettai Harris: A comprehensive bibliography of his writings 1932–1991E. F. Konrad Koerner | pp. 509–522
Historiography linguistica hoja de estilopp. 523–526
Editor’s endpieceKonrad Koerner | p. 543
Articles – Aufsätze
Review article – Rapport critique – Forschungsbericht
Book reviews – Comptes rendus – Besprechungen