Part of
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 28:1/2 (2001) ► pp.277290
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent writings in the study of language, with particular attention being given to those dealing with the history – andhistoriography – of the language sciences. Only in exceptional instances will a separate acknowledgement of receipt be issued; no book can be returnedto the publisher after it has been analyzed in this section. It shouldbe pointedout, moreover, that by accepting a book, no promise is impliedthat it will be reviewedin any detail in HL. Reviews are printedas circumstances permit, ando ffprints will be sent to the publishers of the works reviewed, including those items briefly commented upon in the present section.
, eds. 2000 . The Handbook of Linguistics . Malden, Mass. & Oxford : Blackwell Publishers , xvi, 824 pp. [This volume brings together what the editors regardas the essential subfields of linguistics, beginning with an article on “Origins of Language” (authoredby Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy), andending by one on “Language Planning” (Frank Anshen), with survey articles on “Languages of the World” (Bernard Comrie), “Writing Systems” (Peter T. Daniels), “Linguistic Phonetics” (John Laver), “Linguistics andLiterature” (Nigel Fabb), “Multilingualism” (Suzanne Romaine), “Computational Linguistics” (RichardSproat et al.), “Educational Linguistics” (James Paul Gee), “Clinical Linguistics” (David Crystal), and “Forensic Linguistics” (Roger W. Shy), to mention the less common subjects only. Perhaps not in terms of diversity (some may be pleasedto see that the present survey does not contain a section on “Language andGender” or on “Language Death”), but certainly in terms of coverage of the fieldof language study in general, this volume compares favourably with the 4-volume Cambridge Survey (Cambridge University Press, 1988). Not only does the present one carry a 25-page article on “Historical Linguistics” (Brian D. Joseph), a subject ignoredin the previous work, it also offers “The History of Linguistics” (Lyle Campbell) a prominent place (as article 4, right before Historical Linguistics), a subject which hadbeen treatedin the Cambridge Survey in an appendix only. One may regret, however, that the editors chose an author for the History of Linguistics survey who, while an internationally establishedhistorical linguist who has worked in Indo-European, Finno-Ugric as well as Amerindian, has never distinguished himself in linguistic historiography andthus repeats a number of the fables convenues that textbooks are full of, such as crediting Friedrich Schlegel in 1808, not his brother August Wilhelm in 1803, with the introduction the term ‘comparative grammar’ (p. 90), crediting Schuchardt in 1885(?), not Jacob (!) Grimm in 1819 (Preface to the first edition of Deutsche Grammatik, p. xiv) with the observation “each wordhas its own history” (p. 92), or claiming that Saussure was “influncedby the social thinking of Emil Durkheim” (p. 96), to mention just a few examples. Still, the author made good use of recent secondary sources (including Hovdhaugen 1982, Owens 1988; Bursill-Hall, Gragg, Téné and others in Koerner & Asher 1995) and did not incritically subscribe to the importance of philologer passage of Sir William Jones’ ThirdAnniversary Discourse of 1786 for the development of 19th-century historical-comparative linguistics; as well, he treated early periods, including non-Indo-European traditions. The back matter consists of a combined bib. (714–773), which, unfortunately, has all first names reduced to initials, and a detailed general index (774–824).]
. 2000 . Schriftlichkeit und Rhetorik: Das Beispiel Griechenland: Ein Beitrag zur historischen Schriftlichkeitsforschung . Hildesheim : Georg Olms , 277 pp. [Schriftlichkeit, “written culture”, was the title of the German translation of Eric A. Havelock’s seminal The Literate Revolution in Greece and its Cultural Consequences (1982), andthis book attempts to marry that strain of research with new perspectives on the origins of rhetoric that have emerged over the past two decades. A chapter each is devoted to the Anonymus Iamblichi, the Dissoi logoi and Antiphon. Extensive bibliography, indexes of passages cited and subjects but not of names. – John E. Joseph.]
Bibliographie Linguistique de l’année 1996 et compléments des années précédentes / Linguistic Bibliography for the Year 1996 and supplements for previous years . Edited by Mark Janse & Sijmen Tol , with the assistance of Inge Angevaare [ anda number of international contributors – see pp. v–vi , for details ]. Dordrecht – Boston – London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 2000 , xcviii, 1,417 pp. [This – somewhat shorter than the previous – volume carries a total of 23,103 entries altogether (not counting the many reviews appended to book entries), making it still the most important bibliographical sourcebook in the field, though one cannot but reiterate the previously expressedregret of the delay in publication. As in recent years, the massive “Index of names” (1,305–1,417) also includes references to book reviews. (The page references to the latter are printedin italics.) Given the breadth of the subjects, areas, andperiods coveredby historiographers, users of the BL will continue to appreciate that the History of Linguistics section is subdivided into a variety of subsections from “Western traditions” generally via “Antiquity”, “Middle Ages”, etc. down to “Non-Western traditions”, “Indian tradition” as well as “Arab tradition”. The existence of this separate History of Linguistics (HoL) section shouldnot prevent historians of linguistics from consulting other sections in BL, such as the “Festschriften/Mélanges in honorem” rubric, the sections listing congress reports, andthe general subsections in sections devoted to specific language fields or preceding (or sometimes even dispersed within) those devoted to general linguistic theory andphilosophy of language, andof course the always useful “Biographical data” section (pp. 103–128: 657 entries altogether) which carries accounts of scholars in the language sciences, obituaries, testimonials, Grußadressen, andthe like. Another welcome feature maintained in the HoL section is the regular addition of life-dates of authors in entries on individual authors wherever available.]
). 2000 . Uvod v romanskoto ezikoznanie [ Introduction to Romance linguistics ]. Sofia : “Paradigma” , 125 pp.; illustr . [The text constitutes sketches of Classical Latin, Vulgar Latin, andof the formation of the Romance languages, supplying for each of the latter brief accounts of their diffusion, main dialects, first attestations and first literary documents. The concluding portions consist of ‘A brief survey of the history of Romance linguistics’ from Friedrich Diez (1794–1876) to Iorgu Iordan (1888–1986) and of a select bib. (pp. 87–103 and109–125, respectively.]
. 2000 . Grammatica Proverbiandi: Estudio de la gramática latina en la baja edad media española . (= Materialien zur Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und der Semiotik, 11 .) Münster : Nodus , 189 pp. [Proverbiandi means latinum cum romancio concordare, relating vernacular Romance with Latin forms in a grammatical explanation. At the heart of this book is a detailed analysis of one such grammar, M, otherwise known as ms. 8950 of the Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. This is preceded by chapters laying out the context of the teaching of Latin in the middle ages generally and in medieval Spain in particular, andthe place of the Grammatica Proverbiandi within humanism. Bibliography and index of names; no subject index. – John E. Joseph.]
Celtic Linguistics 1700–1850 . 81 vols. London & New York : Routledge , 2000 . [This reprint series, introducedand selectedby Daniel R. Davis, provides the researcher with the primary sources on which to buildthe history of opinion on andresearch of the Celtic languages prior to the publication of Johann Kaspar Zeuss (1806–1856) ground-breaking, massive work, Grammatica celtica: Emonumentis vetustis tam hibernicae linguae quam britannicae dialecti, camdricae, cornicae, armoricae nec non gallicae reliquiis construxit, 2 vols. (Leipzig: Weidmann, 1853). For a preliminary sketch of the vicissitudes of Celtic studies from the early beginnings to early 19th-century comparative-historical work, see Davis’ “Introduction” in Volume I, v–xxix. Volume I is otherwise taken up by a reproduction of the English translation, provided by a certain Daniel Jones, of Paul Pezron’s (1638–1706) The Antiquities of Nations; more particularly of the Celtae or Gauls (London, 1706), xvi, 312 pp. Vol. II reproduces Edward Lhuyd’s (1660–1709) famous 440-page Archaeologia Britannica, giving some account […] of the original inhabitants of Great Britain, Vol. I: Glossography (Oxford, 1707 [no further volume published]) anda selection from GottfriedWilhelm Leibniz’s (1646–1716) posthumous Collectanea Etymologica (Hanover: Nicolai Foerster, 1717), Part I, Section 3: Celtica (56–154). Volume III contains RowlandJones’ (1722–1774) important lexicographic 1764 The Origin of Language and Nations, hieroglyfically, etymologically and topografically defined, after a method of English, Celtic, Greek and Latin English Lexicon (London: Printed by J. Hughs) as well as A Postscript to the Origin of Language […] containing […] A Plan for the Restoration of the Primitive One and A demonstration of its Utility and Importance, as an universal Language and a general Key to Knowledge (32 pp.). Sandwichedbetween the two, we findJohn Cleland’s (1709–1789) A Sketch of an Attempt at the Retrieval of the Antient Celtic (London: L. Davis & C. Reymers, 1766). Vol. IV reproduces the influential Remains of Japhet; being historical enquiries into the affinity and origin of the European languages (London: L. Davis & C. Reymers, 1767) by James Parsons, M. D. (1705–1770), xiii, 419 pp., and A Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic or Irish Language (Dublin: G. Faulkner, T. Ewing & R. Moncrieffe, 1773) by Major Charles Vallancey (1721–1812), li, 192 pp. Vol. V consists entirely of a reprint of Edward Davies of Brecon’s (1756–1831) 561-page Celtic Researches, on the Origin, traditions & language, of the Ancient Britons (London: Author, 1804). Vol. VI carries James Cowles Prichard’s (1786–1848) very influential The Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations, proved by a comparison of their dialects with the Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and Teutonic (London: Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1831), 194 pp., andSir William Betham’s (1779–1853) The Gael and Cymbri; or, an Inquiry into the origin and history of the Irish Scoti, Britons, and Gauls (Dublin: William Curry, Jun. & Co, 1834), 453 pp., by which time we have enteredthe ‘Boppian Paradigm’ (in fact Prichard dedicates his work to a certain Rev. William Daniel Conybeare and to Jacob Grimm, but refers Bopp, Grimm, andothers throughout his work). Vol. VII contains three texts, Adolphe Pictet’s (1799–1875) De l’affinité des langues celtiques avec le Sanskrit (Paris: Benjamin Duprat, 1837), xv, 176 pp.; Franz Bopp’s (1791–1867) paper “Über die celtischen Sprachen vom Gesichtspunkte der vergleichenden Sprachforschung”, presented to the Berlin Academy of Sciences in Dec. 1838, publishedin 1839, anda certain Lachlan Maclean’s 288-page book on The History of the Celtic Language (London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1840), which looks more like a throw-back to the 18th century. Finally, Volume 8 is taken up entirely by William Frederic Edwards’s (1777–1842) Recherches sur les langues celtiques (Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1844), xix, 538 pp.]
, eds. 2000 . Francisco Varo’s Grammar of the Mandarin Language (1703): An English translation of ‘Arte de la Lengua Mandarina’ . With an Introduction by Sandra Breitenbach . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 93 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , liv, 280 pp. ; illustr . [This compact volume consists of a facsimile reprint, on verso pages, of the rather rare Arte de la Lengua Mandarina (Canton, 1703) by the Dominican missionary in China’s Fujian Province, Francisco Varo (1627–1687), completed in manuscript in 1682, but published only posthumously by the Franciscan Pedro de la Piñuela (1650–1704), with an English translation (with variant readings from other editions noted in footnotes) on facing pages. To this has been added a lengthy Foreword (ix–xviii), a “Chinese Character Index” (264–280) andan “Index of Linguistic Terms and Concepts” (281–282) by W. South Coblin, anda detailed “Introduction: The biographical, historical, and grammatical context of Francisco Varo’s Arte de la Lengua Mandarina (Canton, 1703)” (xix–liii) by Sandra Breitenbach, author of a doctoral dissertation submitted at the University of Göttingen in 1996, Die chinesische Grammatik des Dominikaners Francisco Varo.]
D.E.L.T.A.: Revista de Documentac´ão de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada , Vol. 151 ( 1999 ), no. especial: Trinta anos de ABRALIN . xii1 , 457 pp. [Available from Programa de Pós-Graduação em Lingüística Aplicada e Estudos da Linguagem (LAEL), Rua Monte Alegre, 984, CEP 05014–001, São Paulo, Brazil. This volume dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Associação Brasileira de Lingüística (ABRALIN) includes papers on the development in Brazil of applied linguistics, discourse studies, generative syntax, historical linguistics, morphology, functionalist studies, language acquisition, pragmatics, semantics, sociolinguistics, studies of bilingual education, text linguistics, Portuguese philology, Brazilian Portuguese dialectology and the study of indigenous Brazilian languages. – John E. Joseph.]
, eds. 2000 . The History of Linguistic and Grammatical Praxis: Proceedings of the XIth International Colloquium of the Studienkreis “Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft” (Leuven, 2nd – 4th July 1998) . (= Orbis Supplementa, 14 .) Leuven : Peeters , xxi1 , 574 pp. [Linguistic praxis, defined in the editors’ introduction as “activities concerned with the ‘practical’ aspects of linguistic work”, is describedby them as “the overarching theme” of the colloquium, andindeed some 20 of the 27 papers collectedhere couldbe said to fall within it. These include “Les outils pour l’apprentissage du latin en France à la Renaissance et à l’Âge classique” by Bernard Colombat (63–93), “La grammaire française de Jean Des Roches” by Jan De Clerq (131–171), “Etymology andLanguage Learning at the Start of the 19th Century” by Richard Steadman-Jones (189–207), “La ‘grammaire générale’ et l’enseignement des langues: la ‘Grammaire arabe’ de Silvestre de Sacy” by Jan Goes (209–222), “Les cacolangues de l’enseignment classique” by Dan Savatovsky (283–302), “Traduction automatique et formalisation du langage: Les tentatives du Cambridge Language Research Unit (1955–1960)” by Jacqueline Léon (369–394), “The Finnish Case System in Pedagogical Grammars” by Matti Leiwo & Lea Nieminen (411–425), andpapers on early grammars of Yoruba and Nyulnyul, respectively by Christopher Alake (427–443) and William B. McGregor (445–464). Papers outside the overarching theme include Brigitte Bartschat on Baudouin de Courtenay’s decade at the University of Dorpat, T. Craig Christy on Bréal’s treatment of etymology, andMarkus Linda on Saussure’s circuit de la parole, incorporating important material from the Houghton Library papers. – John E. Joseph.]
Duo glossaria: Anonymi Montepessulanensis dictionarius: le glossaire latin-français du ms. Montpellier H236 . Ed. by Anne Grondeux ; Glossarium gallico-latinum: Le glossaire françaislatin du ms. Paris Lat. 7684 . Ed. by Brian Merrilees & Jacques Monfrin . (= Corpus Christianorum, continuatio mediaevalis, Series in-4°, 2 = Lexica Latina Medii Aevi, Nouveau recueil des lexiques latin-français du Moyen Age, 2 .) Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols , 1998 , 271 pp. [The 14th-century Montpellier manuscript is a double glossary, the first part explaining Latin words, sometimes with a Latin andother times with a vernacular gloss, the secondpart a set of Picard-Latin correspondences entered in the margins of the first by a different hand. Grondeux’s introduction includes much information on the manuscript, followed by a traditional French-philological analysis of the texts on phonological-orthographic lines. The 15th-century Paris manuscript, consisting of vernacular words followed by a Latin gloss, has been exploitedby philologists, linguists andlexicographers since the 18th century yet has remainedunpublisheduntil now. It is very similar to the Dictionarius (1440) of Firmin Le Ver andthe Vocabularius familiaris et compendiosus printedat Rouen by Guillaume Le Talleur around 1490. The very full introduction by Merrilees & Monfrin includes a detailed look at the structure of several entries across the three works. – John E. Joseph.]
, ed. 2000 . Interpretation und Re-Interpretation: Aus Anlaß des 100. Geburtstages von Johann Leo Weisgerber (1899–1985), mit einem historiographischen Anhang und dem Schriftenverzeichnis Weisgerber . Münster : Nodus , 287 pp. [Papers from a special colloquium of the Studienkreis ‘Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft’ held in Münster in March 1999. Includes an overview of Weisberger’s work in the Humboldtian context by Helmut Gipper; a study by Klaas-Hinrich Ehlers of the uses made of Saussure in Weisgerber’s 1925 Habilitationsschrift; BernhardWeisgerber on the concepts of Muttersprache and Sprach-gemeinschaft in his father’s work; and a paper by Joachim Lerchenmüller – adding to the important study in Christopher M. Hutton’s Linguistics and the Third Reich (London, 1999) – of Weisgerber’s role in occupiedBrittany andthe politics of science of the SS. Other papers are by Angelika Rüter, Hans Glinz, Kurt R. Jankowsky, Klaus Roß, Evgenij F. Kirov & Maria W. Beljaeva, Sabine Heinz & Belinda Albrecht, Clemens Knobloch, Hans Lösener, and Olga Dobrunova. The historiographical appendices include an exchange of letters between Weisgerber andHans Glinz from 1950 anda 30-page bibliography of Weisgerber’s writings. Index of names, plus a useful index to the Weisgerber bibliography. – John E. Joseph.]
, eds. 1999 . Deutsch-tschechischer Wissenschaftsdialog im Lichte der Korrespondenz zwischen Wilhelm Streitberg und Josef Zubatý, 1891–1915 . (= Erträge Böhmisch-Mährischer Forschungen, 3 .) Münster : Lit Verlag , 108 pp. [126 letters on a wide range of topics in Indo-European and Slavic linguistics, preceded by a brief but informative introduction, and with biographical and bibliographical annotations to names and works mentioned in the correspondence. Index of names, plus photographs of Streitberg (1864–1925) andZubatý (1855–1931), one each of their letters, andthe places where they livedandworked. – John E. Joseph.]
( together with Roland Berbig , Wilhelm Braun , Alan Kirkness , et al. ), ed. 1999 . Brüder Grimm Gedenken . Volume XIII1 . Stuttgart & Leipzig : S. Hirzel , viii1 , 200 pp. ; illustr . [The volume, started by the late Ludwig Denecke, brings together a series of individual studies appraising the work of Jacob Grimm and his brother Wilhelm, notably their work on the Deutsches Wörterbuch andseveral of their contributors, including one candidate, Christian Friedrich Wurm (1801–1861), whose work was not accepted by Jacob Grimm. From the contents: “Jacob undWilhelm Grimm Göttinger Vorlesungen: Hörerlisten aus dem Jahren 1831–1837” by Matthias Janssen; “Der frühe Einfluß von Jacob Grimm in Friesland, insbesondes seine Einwirkung auf die Entstehung des Werkus von Paulus Scheltema [(1752–1835)]” by Philippus Breuker; “Zu den Beziehungen de Brüder Grimm zu skandinavischen Wissenschaftlern” by Else Ebel, which also includes a discussion of Rask’s contribution to ‘Grimm’s Law’ (pp. 169–170). No index.]
. 2000 . A Checklist of English Grammatical Manuscripts and Early Printed Grammars, c.1400–1540 . (= The Henry Sweet Society Studies in the History of Linguistics, 6 .) Münster : Nodus , 147 pp. [A well-annotatedlisting of 56 works which servedas the basis for study of elementary Latin grammar, with English as their language of exposition. There is detailed information on the location of the materials andon publishedreferences to them. Appendices list the works by author, scribe, printer andplace, andgive concordances between this checklist andearlier listings. – John E. Joseph.]
, eds. 2000 . Geschichte des Sprachbewußteins in romanischen Ländern . (= Studium Sprachwissenschaft, 33 .) Münster : Nodus , 272 pp. [Papers from a section of the Romania I conference heldin Jena in September 1997, devotedto the history of linguistic inquiry – discussion – writing in Romance-speaking countries. An interesting andeclectic collection with a rather broad sweep of topics from close studies of 16th-century grammars to consideration of the contemporary language question in Quebec. Includes papers by Elisabeth Burr, Johannes Müller-Lancé, Angela Bartens, Isabel de Riquer, Rosa Ribas, Mar Cruz Piñol, Dieter Messner, Georgia Veldre, Raymund Wilhelm, Cordula Neis, Renate Fischer, Peter Cichon, Adrian Bröking, Constanze Noufal, and Beatrice Bagola. Index of names. – John E. Joseph.]
, ed. 2000[1996] . Sprachwissensachaft: Ein Reader . 2nd improved ed. Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , xiv1 , 778 pp. [This massive volume makes for interesting, at times curious, reading, given the various selections the author has made. It begins, fittingly, with a selection from Humboldt’s 1811 Einleitung in das gesamte Sprachstudium, “Thesen zur Allgemeinen Sprachwissenschaft” (11–17), followed by an excerpt from Hermann Paul’s Prinzipien (1920[1886, not 1880, since the first edition did not contain the entire argument]), “Allgemeines über das Wesen der Sprachentwicklung” (18–31), and, very appropriately, by the part from Saussure’s Cours, “Der Gegenstand der Sprachwissenschaft” (32–50), which couldbe seen as a counter-point to Paul’s argument. Hardly less welcome is the selection from Karl Bühler’s Sprachtheorie of 1934 (51–71), given that Bühler tried to combine the Humboldtian and the Saussurean lines of thought. The selections following – from Wittgenstein’s Philosophische Untersuchungen (1958), Charles Morris’ Foundations of a Theory of Signs (1938), which follows Peirce, not Saussure, andfrom Chomsky’s Rules and Representations (1980) – are not in the same league: one wouldhave expecteda selection from Bloomfield (who makes his appearance in the editor’s Introduction, p. 4, and probably elsewhere as the ‘fall guy’: one misses an index!), whose 14-page “A Set of Postulates for the Science of Language” (first publishedin Language in 1926, andreprinted in various places thereafter, e.g., in IJAL in 1949, the year of Bloomfield’s death) would have made an excellent choice, given that the heading of this first section of the Reader is entited“Sprachtheorien ”. The remainig sections are inscribed“Sprache undHandlung” (selections from Austin 1958 to J. – why not: Jochen? – Rehbein 1988); “Diskurs und Konversation” (with selections from H[arvey] Sacks 1971 to L. Hofmann 1996); “Laute, Töne, Schriftzeichen” (with selections from Jakobson, Trubetzkoy, Martinet, Labov and several authors born in 1941 or more recently); “Wortform, Wortstruktur, Wortart” (with selections from Sapir 1921 [not 1931], Nida 1949, Hockett 1958, Robins 1966, Vennemann & Jacobs 1982, Bergenholtz & Mugdan 1985, and Motsch 1992). Section F, “Satz, Äußerung, Text” (471–612), is likely the most intereting one, with selections from Paul 1919, Behaghel 1932, Hockett 1958, Tesnière 1959, Chomsky & Lasnik 1993, Dik 1983, Daneš 1970, and the editor in 1992), and preceded by an article by W[olf] Thümmel on “Geschichte der Syntaxforschung” of 1993). Apart from an Anhang prividing the IPA transcription conventions anda paper of 1985 by V[olker] Heeschen analysing a Papua language, the Reader concludes with a section on ‘Meaning’, with selections from Gottlob Frege of 1906, nota bene, but also Jost Trier (1932), but more often than not selections from authors (Biewisch, Wunderlich et al.) who are known for their work in ‘semantax’ (the late James McCawley’s felicitous term) rather than (linguistic) semantics proper: apart from Trier, there is no other out of ten selections devoted to the lexicon.]
. 2000 . “ Spracharbeit” im 17. Jahrhundert: Studien zu Georg Philipp Harsdörfer, Justus Georg Schottelius und Christian Gueintz . (= Studia Linguistica Germanica, 57 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , xii1 , 499 pp. [This 1999 Habilitationsschrift submittedto the Technische Universität Dresden constitutes a thorough treatment of 17th-century German linguistic thought andgrammatical andlexicological practice. The introductory Chapter 1 (1–13) draws interesting attention to the parallelism between the activities of the Fruchtbringende Gesellschaft, foundedin 1617, andthose of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Sprach-verein of the later 19th century, when 17th-century criticism of the over-use of foreign vocabulary degeneratedinto a nationalistically motivatedpurism, which continuedwell into the Nazi era. While the works of Georg Philipp Harsdörfer (1607–1658), Justus Georg Schottelius (1612–1676), notably his Ausführliche Arbeit von der Teutschen HauptSprache of 1663, andChristian Gueintz (1592–1650), especially his Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung (Halle, 1645), take centre stage, the author provides a dense panorama of 17th-century linguistic activity, which greatly shapedthe modern German literary language as we know it. The Chapters 2 through 10 are inscribed: “Das 17. Jahrhundert im Spiegel der Sprach-geschichtsschreibung”; “Spracharbeit undzeitgenössische Sprachauffassungen”, “Sprach-arbeit als Programm”, “Protagonisten der Spracharbeit”, “Spracharbeit mit Lauten und Buchstaben”, “Spracharbeit als Wortforschung”, “Exkurs: Sonderformen der Spracharbeit”, “Spracharbeit und Phraseologismen”, and“Spracharbeit, Textsorten undkommunikative Pragmatik ”. There is a long bibliography of primary (456–640) andsecondary (465–499) sources, but one cannot but deplore, especially in a work like the present, the absence of the names of publishers. Worse still is the absence of any index, though the detailed Inhaltsverzeichnis (vii–x) makes up for this somewhat.]
. 2000 . German Lexicopgraphy in the European Context: A descriptive bibliography of printed dictionaries and word lists containing German language (1600–1700) . (= Studia Linguistica Germanica, 58 .) Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , lx1 , 754 pp. [This impressive, carefully produced work consists of the following parts: A front matter containing a preface, a list of libraries in which copies of the books in question have been located(xxiii–xxxviii), anda “List of sources” (xxxxix–lx); the bibliography itself, with anonymous works being listedseparately andorganized by title (not chronology), beginning with Bericht von der falschen Betler [sic] Büberei of 1616, which contains a Rotwelsch – German dictionary (46–50), acording to the compiler, and ending with a Polish – German vocabulary, printedby Augustinus Ferber in Thorn, 1611. The bulk of the bib. (93–720) lists all titles alphabetically by author, from Georg Agricola (1494–1555) to Philipp von Zesen (1610–1689). Each entry (they are 1,150 in number) consists, unless the compiler has been unable to locate a copy (e.g., Cnapius 1693, Woyna 1690), of the following parts: a main title, with the author’s life-dates supplied whenever available, the full original title as it appears on the title page, a list of locations of the book in question, anda succinct description of its contents and, where applicable, references to other editions. The result is a solid reference tool whose value is enhancedby cross-references to different (often Latin) spellings of authors’ names and through the addition of the following back matter: “Index of languages” (721–725), “Index of classified dictionaries” (726–728), “Index of publishers and printers” – a feature rarely foundin comparable books andvery welcome indeed (729–739), andan “Index of titles” (740–754). – Some readers may be irritated by the compiler’s decision to be ‘politically correct’, but scholarly misleading and historically false, by asssigning, e.g., Kaliningrad(cf. p. 90 [item 175], p. 391 [item 681]), for books printedin Königsberg in 1607 and1641, respectively, more than 300 years before the Russian name existed.]
2000 . Limiting the Arbitrary: Naturalness and its opposites in Plato’s Cratylus and modern theories of language . (= Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 96 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , ix1 , 224 pp. [For details, see Nicola McLelland’s review in the present issue (206–212).]
( eds. ). 2000 . The Evolutionary Emergence of Language: Social function and the origin of linguistic form . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , xi1 , 410 pp. [The papers brought together in this volume “grew out of the SecondInternational Conference on the Evolution of Language, heldat the University of East London in April 1998 [with] support from the British Academy, the Royal Anthropological Institute andthe Linguistics Association of Great Britain”. As may be gathered from the names and addresses of the contributors, in addition to scholars from linguistics departments (Derek Bickerton, Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, James R. Hurford, Simon Kirby, andothers), there were a number of scientists from fields such as Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Communication, Speech andHearing, Adaptive Behavior & Cognition, Anthropology, and Psychology, but only one lonely person from Biology (“School of Animal andMicrobial Sciences”, to be exact), given the Neo-Darwinian flavour of much of the discussion (cf. the many references to ‘Darwinism’ listed in the Subject Index, p. 422; there are many more references to Darwin himself than the single entry in the Author Index, p. 417). Given the slate of contributors, some may question the characterization of the enterprise [p. i]: “The contributors to this volume – […] – adopt a modern Darwinian perspective to offer a boldsynthesis of the human and natural sciences” (emphasis added). Still, a number of the articles, organized under the headings “The Evolution of Cooperative Communication” (e.g., “Secret language use at female initiation: Bounding gossiping communities” by Camilla Power), “The Emergence of Phonetic Structure” (e.g., “Evolution of speech: The relation between ontogeny andphilogeny [with no nodto Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919), the Darwinian biologist who first popularizedthis distinction]” by Peter F. McNeilage & Barbara L. Davis), and“The Emergence of Syntax” (e.g., “The spandrels of the linguistic genotype” by David Lightfoot) will offer foodfor discussion.]
( eds. ). 2000 . Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Germanistik in Portraits . Berlin & New York : Walter de Gruyter , x1 , 295 pp. [This volume brings together 27 evaluations, at times quite critical (e.g., Lorenz Jäger’s analysis of Wilhelm Emrich’s [1909–1998] character and oeuvre), by present-day Germanists, many of them in the early stages of their careers, of a number of the main figures in the field, beginning with an account of the life andwork of Georg Friedrich Benecke (1762–1844) by Birgit Wagenbaur (b.1965), andending with a sympathetic portrait of Hugo Kuhn (1909– 1978) by one of his former students Walter Haug (b.1927), by far the oldest of the contributors. For people in the history of linguistics, the following contributions will be of particular interest: Horst Brunner on Jacob Grimm (11–19); Uwe Meves on Karl Lachmann (20–32); Edith Wenzel on Moriz Haupt (41–46); Dieter Seitz on Karl Bartsch (47–52) – compare with this the late Robert A. Hall’s notice in HL 9.165–167 (1982); Hans-Harald Müller on Wilhelm Scherer (80–94); Ulrike Hass-Zumkehr’s piece on Hermann Paul (95–106), though the emphasis is on Paul’s philological, not linguistic, work. The bulk of the remaining portion of the volume is devoted to scholars that made their career in German literature, including the earliest periods and/or literary theory, between 1870 and 1998. One cannot help noticing how many of these influential, indeed famous, scholars got themselves entangled with Nazi ideology andpolitics, andhow many of them managedsuccessfully to resume their careers after 1945. The back matter consists of biographical notices on the contributors (280–284) and an index of names, though without life-dates (285–295), but unfortunately no subject index.]
( ed. ). 1999 . Prix Volney Essay Series . 31 vols. in 4 . Dordrecht/Holland & Norwell, Mass. : Kluwer Academic Publishers . [This long-awaited project devoted to the origin, development, andsignificance of the ‘Prix Volney’ in the history of 19th and(much less so) 20th century may not be the last wordon the subject, but it will surely be the material on which any subsequent discussion would have to be based. The material presented in these four volumes andthe new, original articles providedby a number of modern scholars will take many hours of careful study to digest. The editor is to be congratulated on her perseverence in bringing this enterprise to a successful conclusion. – Volume I, consisting of in fact two tomes of xxvi, 475 andxxvi, [477-] 995 pages, respectively, is subtitled “The Prix Volney: Its history andsignificance for the development of linguistic research”, and contains, discounting the front matter, the following items: “The Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres andits prizes” (1–7) by its current ‘Permanent Secretary’, Jean Leclant (translatedby Leopold); “Nineteenth-century linguistic andsocial science: Their reflection in the Prix Volney competition” by Leopold (8–201), which consists of the following chapters or parts: I, “The life andwork of Constantin-François Chassebœuf, comte de Volney [(1757–1820]” (8–37); II, “The French academies and academic prizegiving” (38–51); III, “The history of the Prix Volney in Linguistics” (52–151), and“Conclusion” (152–157), in turn followed by 150 at times very detailed, often bibliographical endnotes (152–193), a “Bibliography of additional secondary authorities” (194–201), and a number of appendices, such as “Brief biographies of the Prix Volney judges 1822–1989”, which included such luminaries as Marie Henry d’Arbois de Jubainville (1827–1910), Henri Bergson (1859–1941), Michel Bréal (1832–1915), Louis, duc de Broglie (1892–1987), Eugène Burnouf (1801–1850), Georges Cuvier (1769–1832), Antoine L. C., comte Destutt de Tracy (1754–1836), Georges Dumézil (1898–1986), Émile Littré (1801–1881), Antoine Meillet andothers (206–237), anda detailedaccount of the “Essays submittedfor the Prix Volney 1822–1991”, the most recent recipient of the prize being Françoise Bader (b.1932) for her book La langue des dieux ou l’hermétisme des poètes indo-européens (Paris: Giardini, 1989). Tome 2 of volume I consists of “Transcription, Transliteration andthe Idea of a Universal Alphabet [Volney’s ‘pet’ project]” by Alan Kemp (476–569), followed by biographical sketches of the authors of selected Voney Prize winning submissions between 1822 and1839, beginning with the German Josef (or Joseph von) Scherer (1776–1829) and ending with the French Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809–1865). In between are the Alsatian Paul Ackermann (1812–1846) anda reprinting of his 1838 Essai sur l’analyse physiques des langue; ou, De la formation et de l’usage d’un alphabet meethodique andseveral articles provided by several modern-day French scholars: “The Prix Volney and French Studies” by Jacques Bourquin (697–751); “Studies in Dialectology for the Prix Volney” by Jacques-Philippe Saint-Gérand(752–767), and“Life of Pierre Joseph Proudhon” by Gaston Bordet (768–802), followedby a bibliography of Proudhon’s writings (803–811) and a commentary on Proudhon’s Recherches (812–842) by Jacques Bourquin. The back matter provides information on all the contributors (including translaters of French or German texts) to all 4 volumes (957–961), anda general index covering the first two tomes (965–995). – Vol. II, subtitled “Early nineteenth-century contributions to general and Amerindian linguistics: Du Ponceau andRafinesque” (vi, 340 pp.), contains the following items: “Du Ponceau andgeneral andAmerindian linguistics” by the late Robert H. Robins (1–36), a printing of Peter Stephen Du Ponceau’s (1760–1844) “Essai de Solutions du problème philologique proposé en l’année 1823 par la Commission de l’Institut Royal de France […]” (37–99), a paper by Pierre Swiggers on “Peter Stephen Du Ponceau’s Mémoire sur le système grammatical des langues de quelques nations indiennes de l’Amérique du Nord (1838): In search of a typology of grammatical form” (100–129), followedby a photographic reproduction (4 pages on 1) of Du Ponceau’s prize-winning Mémoire (131–249), followed by “Notes to Du Ponceau’s Mémoire” by Pierre Swiggers (250–265), which also includes helpful “Principal bibliographical references” for this work. The secondpart is devotedto “The other candidate for the 1835 Volney Prize: Constantine Samuel Rafinesque [(1783– 1840)]”, written by Charles Boewe in 1986 (267–321). Rafinesque’s contribution Examen analytique des Langues Ninniwak, Linap, Mohigan &c avec leurs Dialectes “was filedwith that […] of Duponceau, andforgotten until discoveredin Paris by Joan Leopold in 1982 and its author identified by Jean Rousseau in 1983” (p. 280). General index to Vol. II (331–340). – Vol. III, subtitled“Contributions to comparative Indo-European, African andChinese linguistics” (ix, 518 pp.), essentially, deals with two well-known 19th-century figures who each won the Prix Volney twice: Max Müller (1823–1900) of Oxford, writing in English (1849, 1862) andHeymann Steinthal (1823–1899) of Berlin (1851, 1854) writing in German, two German-born close contemporaries with quite distinct scholarly interests and career paths. For the first author Joan Leopold provideda detailedaccount “Max Müller andthe Linguistic Study of Civilization” (1–106), for the second Hans-Ulrich Lessing penned “Heymann Steinthal: Linguistics with a psychological basis”, translatedinto English by Craig Christy (207–253), followed by two other modern-day evaluations enclosing a printing of Steinthal’s 1851 essay Vergleichende Darstellung eines Sprachstammes der Neger nach seiner phonetischen und psychologischen Seite (303–379), namely, “Development andNature of African Linguistics in the Ninetenth Century with Special Reference to German-Speaking Countries” by Gerhard Böhm (255–302) and “Steinthal and the History of Chinese Linguistics” by Jerold A. Edmonston (381–413), which precedes a carefully executed edition of Steinthal’s 1854 submission Zur vergleichenden Erforschung der chinesischen Sprache (415–498). General index (507–518). – It is obvious that the Prix Volney Essay Series is the result of many years of hardwork on the part of the series editor; just tracing andcompleting the bibliographical references, researching the biographical entries, andfinding the many life-dates of at times rather obscure personages (included in the indices) are indicative of her endeavours. Not all scholars are included – e.g., Raymond Schwab (1884–1956) or Abraham Hyacinthe Anquetil-Duperron (1731–1805) in Vol. III, p. 383 – andat times the references are off by one page, but who is to throw the first stone, after so much has been achievedin an area that has remainedlargely unexploredby historians of linguistics until now.]
. 2000 . L’enseignement du français en Espagne au XVIIIe siècle dans ses grammaires: Contexte historique, concepts linguistiques et pédagogie . Prologue by H.-J. Niederehe . Münster : Nodus , 381 pp. [A magesterial study that required the use of such small print to keep it under 400 pp. that it should come with a health warning from the optometrist general. Delivers considerably more than its title promises, including as it does information on the parts of speech in French grammars publishedin England, Italy, Spain andFrance from the 16th to the 18th centuries, among much else only indirectly pertinent to the main topic. Bibliographies of primary and secondary sources but no indexes. – John E. Joseph.]
Logos and Language: Journal of General Linguistics and Language Theory . Volume I , No. 1 . Tübingen : Gunter Narr Verlag , 2000 , 68 pp. in small-4° . [The first issue of this new journal established and edited by Klaas Willems (address: Department of General Linguistics, University of Gent, Blandijnber g 2 , B-9000 Gent, Belgium; e-mail: [email protected]) contains the following contributions: 4 articles and two reviews (by András Kertész and the editor, respectively). The former include: “Blending the past andthe present: Conceptual and linguistic integration 1800–2000” by Brigitte Nerlich & DavidD. Clarke (3–18); “Structural semantics and‘cognitive’ semantics” by Eugenio Coseriu (19–42), translatedfrom the Spanish by K. Willems & T. Leuschner; “Syntagmatic theory: An overview” (43–48) by RichardHarland, author of Beyond Superstructuralism (Routledge, 1993). Readers of HL will be happy to readin the “Editorial”, among other things, that the “two last decades of the 20th century” have witnessed “a growth of interest in the history of the language sciences” (p. 1), that “[n]one of the current ‘boom disciplines’ is as therapeutic as the historiography of linguistics” (ibid.) and that it reveals that “reconstructing the linguistic theories andmodels of past centuries [linguistic historiography] suggests […] an unstable equilibrium between changing ideas and arguments on the one handandthe undeniable power of tradition on the other” (p. 2). Finally, Willems points out (ibid.): “One task of the historiography of linguistics is to analyse epistemological relationships between related linguistic sub-disciplines, another to describe the cultural, social and philosophical conditions and currents that help shape the general linguistic knowledge of a research community at any given moment in history.” The historical bent of the journal is evident in various contributions too; indeed, on p. 18, a forecast for the central topics of future issues of Logos and Language indicates that volume II, No.2 (2001) will be devoted to “the history of the language sciences”.]
. 1998 . Tractatus de Constructione . Ed. by Irène Rosier-Catach . (= Artistarium: A series of texts on mediaeval logic, grammar & semantics, 11 .) Nijmegen : Ingenium , liii1 , 112 pp. [Rosier’s introduction (in French) focuses on the relationship of this treatise to its contemporaries, particularly the Sophismata grammaticalia of Robertus Anglicus. She has annotatedthe text lightly but judiciously, andappendeda brief critical apparatus as well as indexes of subjects, linguistic examples and works cited. No translation of the Latin text is provided. The introduction has a bibliography of relevant secondary literature. – John E. Joseph.]
. 2000 . The Scribe in Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century Ireland: Motivations and milieu . (= Studien und Texte zur Keltologie, 3 .) Münster : Nodus , 320 pp. [Basedon the author’s 1997 University of Freiburg dissertation. “[T]he concern is not with generalisedstatements which could be appliedto all scribes who flourishedin Ireland during these two centuries. Rather is [sic] the emphasis placedhere on a particular area in southern Irelandandon a particular family, the Ó Longáin scribes of Munster” (p. 15). Perhaps, then, the title might have been more precise? Includes appendices of manuscript reproductions and maps, a bibliography, a subject index and an index of names. – John E. Joseph.]
2000 . Conversational Narrative: Storytelling in everyday talk . (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 203 .) Amsterdam & Philadelphia : John Benjamins , xiii1 , 233 pp. [In six chapters the author “aims to advance narrative theory in two ways. First, [by including] types of storytelling not previously treated in the literature. Second, [by integrating] persprectives on narrative usually kept separate” (Preface, p. xi).]
. 2000 . Configurations of Sentential Complementation: Perspectives from Romance languages . (= Routledge Leading Linguists, 4 .) London & New York : Routledge , xviii1 , 265 pp. [The book welds together five previously published articles (they first appearedin Studia Linguistica, Probus, The Linguistic Review, Journal of Linguistics, anda collective volume, 1992–1997) andthree new article-length studies into eight chapters addressing the following subjects of current generative theory: 1, “Raising”; 2, “Pseudo-Raising”; 3, “Control”; 4, “Enclitic Ordering”; 5, “Clitic Climbing”; 6, “Negative and Factive Islands”; 7, “Underspecification”, and 8, “A Unified Analysis of French Interrogative andComplementizer qui/que ”. Bib. (247–257); general index (258–265).]
Sa˘postavitelno ezikoznanie / Contrastive Linguistics 25:1 ( Sofia , 2000 ), 182 pp. [Though most of the contributions are written in Bulgarian, the journal also publishes in Russian, English, French, andother European languages. Given the range of topics covered, the journal ought to be called‘Slavic and General Linguistics’ or the like. The present issue include “L’Essai de sémantique de Michel Bréal: L’histoire du langage comme phénomène humain” (23–38) by Pierre Swiggers; “Sobre las categorias lingüísticas o las categorias del hablar”(45–55) by Evguenia Vucheva, and“A Reinterpretation of the Bulgarian particle cu” (124–129) by Kjetil Rå Hauge, to mention only those not written in Cyrillic. As it happens not infrequently in this journal, the General Editor, Živko Bojadžiev (Jivco Boyadjiev), has added an appraisal of the life andwork of a major figure in 19th or 20th century linguistics, this time (pp. 165–169) a piece on Joseph Vendryes (1875–1960).]
. 2000 . Idéologie: Zur Rolle von Kategorisierungen im Wissenschafts-prozeß. Vorgetragen am 25. April 1998 . (= Schriften der Philosophisch-historischen Klasse der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 18 .) Heidelberg : Universitätsverlag C. Winter , 86 pp. [From back cover: “Sprachliche Klassifikatoren für Wissenschaftsdisziplinen […] spielen eine große Rolle in der Dynamik des Wissenschaftsprozesses. Das semantische und wissenschaftspolitische Funktionieren dieses Typs von Begriffen ist bisher nicht bearbeitet worden. In dem vorliegenden Band wird dieses Thema am Beispiel von idéologie exploriert. Dieser Wissenschaftsklassifikator ist 1796 von Destutt de Tracy (gegen métaphysique und psychologie) vorgeschlagen worden. Insbesondere dient der Begriff auch zur Organisation des Schul-und Wissenschaftsbetriebs (Écoles Centrales, Institut National). Napoleon wendet dann den Begriff systematisch gegen die politischen Gegner und verwandelt den Wissenschaftsklassifikator in einen politischen Kampfbegriff ”. An appendix details early attestations of idéologie in documents of the Écoles Centrales. Bibliography, no index. – John E. Joseph.]
. 2000 . Sensi, pensiero, linguaggio in Herder . (= Ricerche – Filosofia, 75 .) Roma : Carocci Editore [Via Sardegna 50, I-00187 Roma] , 218 pp. [This monograph devoted to the language philosophy of Johann GottfriedHerder (1744–1803) consists of 4 main parts inscribedas follows: 1, “Una filosofia negativa” (15–45); 2, “Fisiologia della mente” (45–74); 3, “La logica dei sensi” (75–145), and 4, “Il pensiero corporeo” (147–198). There is a bib. divided into primary (199–203) and secondary sources (203–218), but there is no index.]
, ed. 1999 . Die Pravila grammatichnije: Der erste syntaktische Traktat in Rußland . (= Specimina Philologiae Slavicae, 123 .) München : Otto Sagner , x1 , 159 pp. [The Pravila is the OldRussian translation of an anonymous medieval manual of Latin syntax, andis presentedhere with the Latin original in interlinear format. It is precededby an 83-page analysis of the text, andis followedby a bibliography of the secondary literature that rather unnecessarily includes a large number of general works on the history of linguistics. The book, dedicated to Geoffrey L. Bursill-Hall (1920–1998), makes an important text more widely available and equips it with a full critical apparatus. – John E. Joseph.]
. 2000 . The Dictionary of Historical and Comparative Linguistics . Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press , xii1 , 403 pp. [Covers a wide range of phenomena, languages and(putative) families, and diachronic laws, accounts of the last drawing quite heavily on N. E. Collinge’s The Laws of Indo-European (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1985). A few entries will intrigue the historian of linguistics, e.g., “Saussurean paradox. The following problem: how can a language continue to function effectively as a structured system when it is in the middle of a number of changes? This paradox has only been resolvedsince the 1960s with the realization that variation is always part of the structure of a language, andthat variation is the vehicle of change ”. Well, no more sleepless nights over that one, then. Extensive, up-to-date bibliography. – John E. Joseph.]
. 1999 . Libellus de re herbaria novus (1538) . Ed. and transl. by Mats Rydén, Hans Helander & Kerstin Olsson . (= Acta Societatis Litterarum Humaniorum Regiae Upsaliensis, 50 .) Uppsala : Swedish Scientific Press , 146 pp. [The abstract identifies this as “the first scientific botanical treatise publishedin England. It was written by William Turner (c.1510–1568), ‘the true pioneer of natural history in England’, who was also a physician and a divine […]. With his combination of botanical andphilological learning andwith his critical stance to the naming of plants Turner can also be considered the first English plantname scholar ”. There is a full photographic facsimile of the original 20-page printedtext, followedby a transcript of the text with the English translation on facing pages, then 25 pages of commentary on many of the entries, with linguistic considerations at the heart of much of the commentary. Bibliography, no indexes. – John E. Joseph.]
, ed. 1999 . “ Wörter-Büchlein”: Glossary, designating some ordinary things in German, Swedish, Polish and Latvian. Facsimile of the 1705 German – Swedish – Polish – Latvian glossary printed in Riga . Stockholm : Memento , 111 pp. [Photographic facsimile reproducing the 115-page original glossary on 57 pages, followed by 16 pages of commentary in Latvian anda three-page English summary of the commentary. Extensive index of the Latvian entries, plus a bibliography of relevant sources. – John E. Joseph.]