The asterisk from historical to descriptive and theoretical linguistics
An historical note
The use of the asterisk in descriptive and theoretical linguistics is attested well before the 1950s (contrary to what has been maintained by Householder in 1973). It is suggested that the meaning of the asterisk was extended from that of ‘unattested form’, which was standard in historical linguistics, to that of ‘unattested form’ in sense of ‘non-existent’; a further step was to assign to the asterisk the meaning of ‘impossible form’, hence also of ‘ungrammatical sentence’.
References (25)
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Bech, Gunnar. 1983 [1955–1957]. Studien über das deutsche Verbum infinitum. 21., unveränderte Auflage mit einem Vorwort von Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
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Migliorini, Bruno. 1941. Saggi sulla lingua del Novecento. Firenze: Sansoni.
Roberts, Paul. 1964. English Syntax. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.
Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio. 1997. “L’asterisco nella linguistica italiana, francese e spagnola”. Italica et Romanica: Festschrift für Max Pfister ed. by Günter Holtus, Johannes Kramer & Wolfgang Schweickard, vol. III1, 441–447. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
Tesnière, Lucien. 1959. Éléments de syntaxe structurale. Paris: C. Klincksieck. (2nd ed., 1966.)
Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Abrusán, Márta
Semantic Anomaly, Pragmatic Infelicity, and Ungrammaticality.
Annual Review of Linguistics 5:1
► pp. 329 ff.

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