Publications received published In:
Historiographia Linguistica
Vol. 3:2 (1976) ► pp.267273
Note: This listing acknowledges the receipt of recent studies that seem to bear on linguistics, in particular the history of the discipline. Only the receipt of those books will be acknowledged separately which have been sent upon request. It should be pointed out that by accepting a book, the Editor implies no promise that it will be reviewed in HL. Reviews are printed as circumstances permit, and offprints are sent to the publishers of the works reviewed. Items preceded by an asterisk have been chosen for review in one of the forthcoming issues of HL. They will only be listed here.
. 1974 . Studienmaterial zur Logik . 41 parts . Greifswald : no pub. , 14, 19, 23, and 132 pp. Bound together with E. Albrecht , Elemente der Formalen Logik , 106 pp. plus a 6-page index of terms . [ For readers of HL, part IV of the Studienmaterial, “Historische Aspekte: Antike, Mittelalter, Renaissance und Begründung der ‘klassischen’ formalisierten Logik”, is of interest .]
. 1976 . Russkoe jazykoznanie: Konca XIX-načala XX v . [ Russian linguistics: From the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century ]. Moskva : Izd. “Nauka” , 366 pp. 1 R, 76 k . [ After a brief introd. (3–8), the study – which constitutes an expansion and thorough revision of Berezin 1968 (cf. HL 1:3.370–71, for details) -consists of the following chaps.: I, “The problematic nature of A. A. Potebnja’s conception of general linguistics” (9–39); II, “Basic elements of Potebnja’s system of syntax” (40–71), III, “The creative path and early period of F. F. Fortunatov’s activity” (72–86); IV, “Questions of comparative-historical linguistics in Fortunatov’s works” (87–118); V, “Some general linguistic views of Fortunatov” (119–32); VI, “The comparative-historical method in A. A. Šaxmatov’s works” (133–49); VII, “The problem of the interrelationship between language and thought in Šaxmatov and its expression in his doctrine of syntax” (150–70); VIII, “General problems in the works of I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay” (171–92); IX, “Questions of morphology and typology in the works of Baudouin de Courtenay” (193–216); X, “N. V. Kruszewski and the general problems of linguistics in his works” (217–40)”; XI, “Problems of phonetics and morphology in the works of Kruszewski” (214–63); XII, “Some questions concerning the Indo-European problem and the typology of languages in the linguistic investigations of V. A. Bogorodickij” (264–87); XIII, “Questions concerning the morphological structure of the word in the works of Bogorodickij” (288–303), and XIV, “The German and ‘Russian’ variety of the neogrammarian doctrine” (304–33). The vol. is concluded by an appendix, “A brief description of the archives of Potebnja, Fortunatov, Šaxmatov, Baudouin de Courtenay, Bogorodickij, and Kruszewski” (336–45), a bib. (346–59), a list of abbreviations (360), an index of names (361–64), and a table of contents (365–66) .]
. 1975 . Aspects of Language . Second ed. New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. , XVII, 682 pp. [ Contrary to the title, this book is not merely a 2nd ed. of Bolinger’s 1968 book of the same title, but an entirely new work of more than twice the length of the original one .]
Cahiers de l’lnstitut du Moyen-Age grec et latin , No. 15 . Copenhagen : Univ. of Copenhagen, Inst, for graesk og latinsk middelalderfilologi , 1975 , 20*+146 pp. [ The issue consists of a commentary on ‘Priscianus Major’ by Robert Kilwardby (1–143) ed. by Karen M. Fredborg et al., together with an index of names (143) and terms (144–46), preceded by an introd. by Jan Pinborg (1*-I1*), and a paper by Osmund Lewry, O. P., “The problem of the authorship” (12*-17*) .]
Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 291 ( 1974–75 ). Geneve : Libr. Droz , 1975 , 117 pp. [ The vol. contains inter alia: “Ferdinand de Saussure, linguiste a quartorze ans et demi” (7–12) by Jean-Daniel Candaux; “Sémiologies saussuriennes” (45–73) by Rudolf Engler; “Problèmes de linguistique saussurienne” (75–89) by Robert Godel, and, in particular, three historical surveys: “Syntaxe et sémantique en suisse (1940–1970)” (101–35) by René Amacker; “La phonologie en Suisse (1945–1975)” (137–59) by Jean-Pierre Métral, and “Tendances en linguistique indo-européenne en Suisse de 1945 à 1975 (Aperçu des travaux)”(161–204) by Claude Sandoz .]
. 1975 [ recte : 1976 ]. Grammatische Kategorien: Das Verhältnis von “traditioneller und “moderner” Sprachwissenschaft . (= Reihe Germanistische Linguistik, 1 .) Tübingen : M. Niemeyer , [VIII], 196 pp. Paper, DM 46 ,–. [ Rev. version of the author’s 1971 diss., Univ. of Marburg, the study consists of the following major sections: I, “Einleitung: Moderne Linguistik vs. traditionelle Sprachwissenschaft” (1–16); II, “Metatheorie” (16–73); III, “Grammatische Kategorien” (74–86); IV, “Ars grammatica: Antike Sprachmodelle” (87–137); V, “Traditionelle Grammatik: Transfer und Kritik” (138–60), and VI, “Schlussbemerkungen” (161–62). There is a detailed bib. of primary and secondary sources (163–95), but no index .]
, introd. & ed. 1975 . Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas: Minerva (1562) . (= Acta Salmanticensia; Filosofia y Letras, 92 .) Salamanca : Univ. de Salamanca , 121 pp. [ The book contains the first crit. ed. of Santius’ original version of his Minerva seu de causis linguae (1587) – cf. M. Breva-Claramonte’s paper in HL 2:1.49–66 (1975) -preceded by introductory matter (15–59) offering a brief history of the influence and recognition of Sanctius in the 19th and 20th centuries (36–56) .]
. 1976 . Ganzheit und Struktur: Ausgewählte Sprachwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen . (= Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 30 .) München : W. Fink , 362 pp. Paper, DM 98 ,–. [ The vol. consists of a collection of papers, most of which had previously appeared under the Danish title, Helhed og struktur: Udvalgte sprogvidenskabelige afhandlinger (Copenhagen: C. E. G. Gad, 1966), plus a number of hitherto unpublished papers ed. by Anders Bjerrum et al. Most of the papers have been translated into German; papers written in English have not been translated. The vol. has been prefaced by a biographical sketch, “Paul Diderichsen: 16. August 1905 – 9. Oktober 1964”, by Eli Fischer-Jørgensen (10–21). From the 14 articles included herein, the following are of particular interest to historians of linguistics: “Entwicklung und Struktur in der Sprachwissenschaft” (217–53); “Rasmus Rasks Auffassung der Sprachentwicklung und Sprachstruktur” (254–72); “Darwin und die Sprachwissenschaft” (273–87), and “The Foundation of Comparative Linguistics: Revolution or continuation?” (288–319). The vol. contains an editorial commentary on individual items (343–53); an index of names (345–57) as well as of terms and subjects (358–62) .]
. 1976 . Rasmus Rask und die grammatische Tradition: Eine Studie über den Wendepunkt in der Sprachgeschichte [sic] . Ibid. , 181 pp. Paper, DM 48,– . [ G. transl. by Monika Wesemann of the Dan. original, Rasmus Rask og den grammatiske tradition (Copenhagen: Munkgaard, 1960), with a few lesser changes. Cf. the reviews of the original work by Karl Horst Schmidt in IF 67.91–94 (1962) and by K. C. Chapman in ScS 35.339–41 (1963). – The main thesis of the book is that Rask was much more interested in general typological studies of language (and in this much influenced by 18th-century linguistic thought) than in historical work like Bopp and especially Grimm. – The vol. concludes with copious notes (157–72) and a detailed bib. of primary and secondary sources; cf. now also the re-edition of Rask’s Grammar of the Icelandic or Old Norse Toneue preoared by T L Markey (Amsterdam- Benjamins 1976), esp. pp. xxxvi-Iii .]
. 1975 . Il pensiero linguistico di Jan Baudouin de Courtenay: Lingua nazionale e individuale . Con un’antologia di testi e un saggio inedito . (= Slavica, 2 = Ricerche universitarie, 11 ). Venezia & Padova : Marsilio Editori , 217 pp. Paper, L. 4.800 . [ The book consists of an introductory section giving an account of Baudouin’s life and work (9–74), a selection from his various writings (1864–1915) in It. transl., a very detailed bib. of Baudouin’s publications, including posthumous writings (176–210), a selected bib. of secondary literature (211–14), and a “Piccolo glossario della terminologia baudouiniana” (215–17) .]
1975 . Stormy Petrel in Linguistics . Ithaca, N.Y. : Spoken Language Services, Inc. 230 pp. [ Essentially a ‘linguistic autobiography’ (cf. p. 214) covering the period of H’s life from 1931–1965, including personal experiences encountered as a scholar in Italy during the 1930s as well as America during the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s. A number of stories related herein are of importance for linguistic historiography .]
, ed. 1975 . Deutsche Wörterbücher des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Einführung und Bibliographie . Hildesheim : G. Olms , X+178 pp. Paper, DM 27,– . [ The vol. brings together bio-bibliographical accounts of the following G. grammarians: Kaspar Stieler (1632–1707) and Matthias Kramer (1640-C.1730) by Gerhard Ising (41–57 and 61–69 resp.); Christoph Ernst Steinbach (1698–1741) by Walter Schröter (71–91); Johann Leonard Frisch (1666–1743) by Gerhard Powitz (95–108), and Johann Christoph Adelung (1732–1806) as well as Johann Heinrich Campe (1746–1812) by the ed. (111–42 and 145–68 resp.). These articles are prefaced by Henne’s (1968) paper, “Deutsche Lexikographie und Sprachnorm im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert” (3–37) .]
. 1974 . Probleme der Beschreibung lexikalischer Strukturen: Untersuchungen am Beispiel des französischen Verbs . (= Linguistische Arbeiten, 19 .) Tübingen : M. Niemeyer , IX+213 pp.
. 1975 . Essais linguistiques II . (= Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 37 .) München : W. Fink , 483 pp. Paper, DM 98,– . [ A coll. of some 50 papers published between 1962–1973, with those originally written in Pol. transl. into G.; those composed in Fr. or E. have been reprinted from their original places of publication. Most papers deal with particular problems in Indo-European linguistics, esp. phonology, accentuation, and metrics. The sources of their first appearance are given (481–83), but there is no index and no comprehensive bib .]
. 1976 . El concepto de norma en lingüística . (= Estudios di lingüística y literature 5 .) México : El Colegio de México , 148 pp. [ A study of the concept of ‘norm’ in structural linguistics, esp. the work of Hjelmslev and Coseriu. Bib. (143–48) .]
Obščestvennye nauki v SSSR . [ Social sciences in the U.S.S.R. ]. Serija 6: Jazykoznanija . Moskva : Inst. Naučnoj Informacii po Obščestvennym Naukam , Akad. Nauk SSSR , 1976 . Nos. 1 and 2 , 275 and 332 pp. resp. [ This bib. of Russ. works in linguistics covers all aspects of language study – cf. HL 2:3.424–25, for details – in the form of reviews of 1974–75 publications .]
. 1976 . Grammatical Theory in Western Europe 15001700: The Latin Tradition . Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press , XII+290 pp. Cloth, 13.75 . [ The vol. consists of the following chaps.: “Introduction” (1–4); 1, “The Humanist tradition” (5–57); 2, “The break with tradition: Scaliger, Ramus. Sanctius” (58–110); 3, “The seventeenth century: words versus things” (111–53); 4, “Universal grammar” (154–209); 5, “Port-Royal” (210–59), and a “Conclusion” (260–63). There is a bib. of primary (268–74) and secondary (274–79) sources, and an index of names and terms (281–90) .]
. 1974 . Phonemtheorie. I. Teil Dritte, vollständig neu bearbeitete Aufl. Basel : S. Karger , XIII+194 pp.
. 1975 . Studien zur Philosophie und Theologie . Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Ernst Behler und Ursula Struc-Oppenberg . (= Kritische Friedrich-Schlegel-Åusgabe, 8 .) München-Pa-derborn-Wien : F. Schöningh , CCXXXII+640 pp. Cloth, DM 112– . [ The bulk of the vol. is taken up by the crit. ed. of Schlegel’s epoch-making Ueber die Sprache und Weisheit der Indier of 1808 (105–433). The introductory matter includes a very informative article by U. Struc-Oppenberg (CLXXVII-CCXXX) devoted to this book and the reception it received in the early 19th century .]
Semiotext(e) . Vol. I , No. 2 ( Fall 1974 ); vol. II , No. 1 ( Spring 1975 ). Published by the Dept. of Romance Languages, Columbia Univ. ( Sylvère Lotringer , General Ed. ). [ These 2 issues are devoted to various aspects of F. de Saussure’s studies of anagrams and semiotics .]
), ed. 1973 . Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft . Band I1 : Existenzformen, Funktionen und Geschichte der Sprache . Ins Deutsche übertragen und herausgegeben von Hans Zikmund und Günter Feudel . Berlin : Akademie-Verlag , XI+533 pp. [ For details on the contents of this vol., see HL 1:3, p. 438 (1974) .]
[ together with N. D. Arutjunova, T. V. Bulygina, G. A. Klimov, G. V. Kolšanskij, I. S. Kubrjakova, G. P. Melnikov, M. A. Surinskaja, V. N. Telija, and A. A. Ufimceva ]. 1975 . Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft . Band II1 : Die innere Struktur der Sprache . Berlin : Akad.-Verlag , XII+521 pp. [ G. transl. by Hans Zikmund and Günter Feudel of Obščee jazykoznanie: Vnutrennjaja struktura jazyka (Moskva: Izd. “Nauka”, 1972). The vol. consists of the following major chaps: “Ueber die Begriffe Sprachsystem und Sprachstruktur” (1–70); “Die Ebene der Sprachstruktur” (71–93); “Die Phonologie” (94–159); “Die Grammatik” (160–293); “Die Wortbildung” (294–320); “Der Wortschatz” (321–73); “Die Phraseologie” (374–429); “Die Sprachtypologie” (430–51), and “Das Problem der sprachlichen Universalien” (452–66). There is a fairly detailed bibliography for each individual chap. (467–516), and an index of names (517–21), but not of subjects .]
, ed. , 1975 . Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft… . München : W. Fink . Paper, DM 48,– . [ West-German ed. with permission of the original publisher; for details, see above .]
. 1974 [ actually published Jan. 1976 ]. A proposito dei dizionari di linguistica . Estratto dal “Siculorum Gymnasium”, N.S. 27 : 2 . 464 – 503 . Catania : Univ. di Catania, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia .
. 1976 . The Dynamics of Language . (= Universytet Gdaríski; Praca habilitacyjna, 24 .) Gdańsk [Danzig] , 126 pp. [ A structural study, particularly based on Firthian concepts of language study; detailed bib. (110–26) .]
Studi italiani di linguistica teorica ed applicata . Anno IV , 1975 , No. 1 . Padova : Liviana , 227 pp. [ The issue contains inter alia an account of recent publications by Guido Michelini, “Ricera linguistica e storio-grafia linguistica: a proposito della collana ‘Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science’ … (163–73) .]
. 1975 . On Materialism . Transl. by Lawrence Garner . London : NLB , 260 pp. Cloth , £ 5.75 . [ E. transl. of T’s Sul Materialismo (Pisa: Nistri-Lischi, 1970); cf. the detailed review by Franco Rella in Nuova Corrente 55.263–87 (1971). For historians of linguistics, the 4th chap., “Structuralism and its Successors” (135–219), is of particular interest. Index of names (255–60) .]
. 1973 . Jazyk v lingvističeskaja teorija . [ Language and linguistic theory ]. Moskva : Izd. Moskovskogo Univ. , 248 pp. Cloth. 98 k [ Contents: “Introduction” (3–16); I, “The relationship between method and theory in contemporary linguistics” (17–59); II, “The controversy between empiricism and rationalism in contemporary American linguistics” (60–86); III, “Linguistics and non-linguistics” (87–130); IV, “Language and social experience” (131–62); V, “Meaning and sense in communicative activity” (163–79); VI, “The status of deep structure in linguistic theory” (180–98); VII, “The linguistic correlates of scientific prediction” (199–213); VIII, “Man and sign” (214–32), and IX, “The demarcation of language and speech as expression of the double nature of the object of linguistics” (233–43). Appendix (2 short extracts from S. Beckett’s “Waiting for Godot”) (244–47); no index and no bib .]
. 1976 . Predloženie i ego otnošenie k jazyku i reči [ The sentence and its relation to language and speech ]. Ibid. , 307 pp. Cloth, 1 R 20 k. [ The book consists of 3 major sections, beginning with a 105-page “Prerequisites” (7–111), which is mainly devoted to the discussion of topics related to Chomsky’s concepts of competence and creativity in relation to other current trends in linguistic theory; part 2, “Sentence” (112–204), treats various deductive and inductive approaches to the understandig of the concept of ‘sentence’, including situational and semantic aspects. Part 3, “Presupposition” (205–305), deals with the concept of ‘presupposition’ in linguistics from various points of view, including philosophical and epistemological problems. There is no bib. and no index .]
. 1974 . Fonetičeskoe značenie . [ Phonetic meaning ]. Leningrad : Izd. Leningradskogo Univ. , 160 pp. Paper, 78 k. [ Contents: “Preface” (3–5); I, “The problem of symbolic meaning of the signs of speech” (6–30); II, “Phonetic meaning and its structure” (31–96): III “The functioning of phonetic meaning” (97–148); tables (148–59); no bib. and no index .]