Our paper readdresses the Kachruvian notion of ‘contextualisation’ from a cultural-linguistic/cognitive-sociolinguistic perspective. We provide an exemplary analysis along these lines, using data from a corpus of Indian-English matrimonial advertisements as our empirical basis. Taking the dimensions of contextualisation distinguished in Kachru’s original framework as a matrix, we show that instances of nativisation detected in the data can be fruitfully spelled out in terms of their underlying cultural conceptualisations and are often interrelated against this background. Furthermore, we suggest that the notion of contextualisation can be profitably applied to entire text types. At a general level, we argue that an analysis that addresses cultural cognition at group level can overcome limitations of descriptive approaches in the study of L2-varieties and provide common ground for a joint endeavour of various research paradigms and disciplines.
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Cited by (4)
Cited by four other publications
Latić, Denisa, Frank Polzenhagen, Hans‐Georg Wolf & Arne Peters
2024. A research bibliography for world Englishes and Cultural Linguistics. World Englishes 43:3 ► pp. 523 ff.
Polzenhagen, Frank, Hans‐Georg Wolf, Denisa Latić & Arne Peters
2024. World Englishes and Cultural Linguistics: Theory and research. World Englishes 43:3 ► pp. 360 ff.
Peters, Arne
2021. Cultural Conceptualisations of witchcraft and traditional healing in Black South African English Herbalist Classifieds. In Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes [Cultural Linguistics, ], ► pp. 333 ff.
Polzenhagen, Frank
2021. Family Matters: Cultural-Linguistic Investigations into the Domain of family in Indian English. In Cultural Linguistics and World Englishes [Cultural Linguistics, ], ► pp. 217 ff.
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