Meaning as referential work
Reflections on the research object of Interactional Semantics
This epilogue to the Special Issue on Interactional Semantics discusses the contributions to the Special Issue in
relation to other research to support three arguments. (i) The choice of Interactional Semantics to take the referential function
of language (Jakobson) as its object of research is a welcome choice. (ii) The use of the term ‘meaning’ for this research object
is potentially confusing and could be replaced by ‘referential work’. (iii) A research topic which could be included in
Interactional Semantics and has not been articulated as such, is the way in which the choice of a referential expression
establishes the referent as a particular social reality and is a tacit proposal to the interlocutors to talk about this referent
in these terms.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Research object of Interactional Semantics
- 3.The meaning of ‘meaning’
- 4.Aspects of an Interactional Semantics research program
- 5.Conclusion