DePalma, Renée, Juan-Miguel Ortega-Herráez, Maribel Del-Pozo-Triviño & María-Isabel Abril-Martí
Training third sector workers to communicate effectively through interpreters: the MELINCO project training course.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 18:1
► pp. 114 ff.

Felberg, Tatjana R., Gry Sagli, Camilla Hansen, Anne Langaas & Hanne Skaaden
Patient education in multilingual groups of cardiac patients: Mission (im)possible?.
PEC Innovation 4
► pp. 100304 ff.

Løkken, Marita
Døve kvinners merarbeid i møte med barselomsorgen.
Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning 10:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Slade, Ian R., Aspen D. Avery, Carmen Gonzalez, Christine Chung, Qian Qiu, Yvonne M. Simpson, Christine Ector & Monica S. Vavilala
Effective Use of Interpreter Services for Diverse Patients in a Safety-Net Hospital: Provider Perceptions of Barriers and Solutions.
The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 50:10
► pp. 700 ff.

Sterponi, Laura, Marilena Fatigante, Cristina Zucchermaglio & Francesca Alby
Companions in immigrant oncology visits: Uncovering social dynamics through the lens of Goffman's footing and Conversation Analysis.
SSM - Qualitative Research in Health 5
► pp. 100432 ff.

González Campanella, Alejandra
Availability and acceptability of interpreting services for refugees as a question of trauma-informed care.
Interpreting and Society 3:1
► pp. 75 ff.

Grant, Leigh H., Ifat Maoz & Boaz Keysar
Lingua Franca as a Hidden Barrier to Conflict Resolution.
Journal of Conflict Resolution 67:5
► pp. 979 ff.

Nunes Vieira, Lucas, Carol O’Sullivan, Xiaochun Zhang & Minako O’Hagan
Susam-Saraeva, Şebnem, Carmen Acosta Vicente, Luciana Carvalho Fonseca, Olga García-Caro, Begoña Martínez-Pagán, Flor Montero & Gabriela Yañez
Roundtable: feminist interpreting (studies) – the story so far.
Translation Studies 16:1
► pp. 134 ff.

Long, Katrina M., Terry P. Haines, Sharon Clifford, Suresh Sundram, Velandai Srikanth, Rob Macindoe, Wing‐Yin Leung, Jim Hlavac & Joanne Enticott
English language proficiency and hospital admissions via the emergency department by aged care residents in Australia: A mixed‐methods investigation.
Health & Social Care in the Community 30:6

Marianacci, Agustina
Horizontal methodologies in community interpreting studies: Conducting research with Latin American service users in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Interpreting and Society 2:2
► pp. 160 ff.

Pokorn, Nike K. & Jaka Čibej
Pym, Anthony
Who says who interprets? On the possible existence of an interpreter system.
The Translator 28:2
► pp. 162 ff.

Rubio‐Carbonero, Gema
Communication in Persons with Acquired Speech Impairment: The Role of Family as Language Brokers.
Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 32:1
► pp. 161 ff.

Boivin, Isabelle, Yvan Leanza & Ellen Rosenberg
Représentations et rôles des interprètes professionnels et familiaux dans les entretiens médicaux et implications pour le monde vécu.
Alterstice 2:2
► pp. 35 ff.

Granhagen Jungner, Johanna, Elisabet Tiselius & Pernilla Pergert
Reasons for not using interpreters to secure patient-safe communication – A national cross-sectional study in paediatric oncology.
Patient Education and Counseling 104:8
► pp. 1985 ff.

Hepburn, Shamette
Adult day support and community resilience: an analysis of the experiences of ageing Cambodian Canadians.
SN Social Sciences 1:1

Jones, Alun
“The Interpretation Zone”: European Geopolitics and the Interpretive Body.
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 111:4
► pp. 1219 ff.

Abdel Latif, Muhammad M. M.
Translation and Interpreting Assessment Research. In
Translator and Interpreter Education Research [
New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],
► pp. 61 ff.

O’Mathúna, Dónal P., Carla Parra Escartín, Proinsias Roche & Jay Marlowe
Pines, Rachyl L., Liz Jones & Nicola Sheeran
Using Family Members as Medical Interpreters: An Explanation of Healthcare Practitioners’ Normative Practices in Pediatric and Neonatal Departments in Australia.
Health Communication 35:7
► pp. 902 ff.

Becoming an interpreter through experience: The perceptions of the non-professional public service interpreters in Turkey.
RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi :19
► pp. 661 ff.

Theys, Laura, Demi Krystallidou, Heidi Salaets, Cornelia Wermuth & Peter Pype
Emotion work in interpreter-mediated consultations: A systematic literature review.
Patient Education and Counseling 103:1
► pp. 33 ff.

Cadwell, Patrick
Trust, distrust and translation in a disaster.
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 29:2
► pp. 157 ff.

Shlesinger†, Miriam, Tanya Voinova & Michal Schuster
A Feminine Occupation? The Conflicts Inherent to Community Interpreting as Expressed by Female Student Interpreters. In
Understanding Campus-Community Partnerships in Conflict Zones,
► pp. 185 ff.

Bergen, Nicole
Narrative Depictions of Working With Language Interpreters in Cross-Language Qualitative Research.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods 17:1

DuBord, Elise M.
Bilingual tricksters: Conflicting perceptions of bilingualism in the informal labor economy.
Language & Communication 58
► pp. 107 ff.

Lesch, Harold & Karen Grové
Phanwichatkul, Titaree, Elaine Burns, Pranee Liamputtong & Virginia Schmied
The experiences of Burmese healthcare interpreters ( Iam ) in maternity services in Thailand.
Women and Birth 31:3
► pp. e152 ff.

Zendedel, Rena, Barbara C. Schouten, Julia C. M. van Weert & Bas van den Putte
Informal interpreting in general practice: the migrant patient’s voice.
Ethnicity & Health 23:2
► pp. 158 ff.

Zendedel, Rena, Barbara C. Schouten, Julia C.M. van Weert & Bas van den Putte
Informal interpreting in general practice: Comparing the perspectives of general practitioners, migrant patients and family interpreters.
Patient Education and Counseling 99:6
► pp. 981 ff.

Zendedel, Rena, Barbara C. Schouten, Julia C.M. van Weert & Bas van den Putte
Informal interpreting in general practice: Are interpreters’ roles related to perceived control, trust, and satisfaction?.
Patient Education and Counseling 101:6
► pp. 1058 ff.

Fryer, Caroline Elizabeth
An Approach to Conducting Cross-Language Qualitative Research with People from Multiple Language Groups. In
Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences,
► pp. 1 ff.

Fryer, Caroline Elizabeth
An Approach to Conducting Cross-Language Qualitative Research with People from Multiple Language Groups. In
Handbook of Research Methods in Health Social Sciences,
► pp. 1653 ff.

Gartley, Trephina & Clemence Due
The Interpreter Is Not an Invisible Being: A Thematic Analysis of the Impact of Interpreters in Mental Health Service Provision with Refugee Clients.
Australian Psychologist 52:1
► pp. 31 ff.

Hilder, Jo, Ben Gray, Anthony Dowell, Lindsay Macdonald, Rachel Tester & Maria Stubbe
‘It depends on the consultation’: revisiting use of family members as interpreters for general practice consultations – when and why?.
Australian Journal of Primary Health 23:3
► pp. 257 ff.

Hadziabdic, Emina
Ukrainian-Speaking Migrants’ Concerning the Use of Interpreters in Healthcare Service: A Pilot Study.
The Open Nursing Journal 10:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Hale, Sandra Beatriz & Jemina Napier
Lee, Jieun, Moonsun Choi, Jiun Huh & Aili Chang
Community interpreting services by marriage migrants for marriage migrants in South Korea.
Perspectives 24:2
► pp. 179 ff.

Norma, Caroline & Olga Garcia-Caro
Gender Problems in the Practice of Professional Interpreters Assisting Migrant Women in Australia.
Violence Against Women 22:11
► pp. 1305 ff.

Brisset, Camille & Yvan Leanza
L'interprétariat en santé mentale à Montréal.
Rhizome N° 55:1
► pp. 20 ff.

Wollscheid, Sabine, Heather Menzies Munthe‐Kaas, Karianne Thune Hammerstrøm & Eamonn Noonan
Effect of Interventions to Facilitate Communication Between Families or Single Young People with Minority Language Background and Public Services: A Systematic Review.
Campbell Systematic Reviews 11:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Baker, Mona
The Changing Landscape of Translation and Interpreting Studies. In
A Companion to Translation Studies,
► pp. 13 ff.

Brisset, Camille, Yvan Leanza, Ellen Rosenberg, Bilkis Vissandjée, Laurence J. Kirmayer, Gina Muckle, Spyridoula Xenocostas & Hugues Laforce
Language Barriers in Mental Health Care: A Survey of Primary Care Practitioners.
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 16:6
► pp. 1238 ff.

Hadziabdic, Emina, Björn Albin & Katarina Hjelm
Arabic-speaking migrants’ attitudes, opinions, preferences and past experiences concerning the use of interpreters in healthcare: a postal cross-sectional survey.
BMC Research Notes 7:1

Schouten, Barbara C. & Sanne Schinkel
Turkish migrant GP patients’ expression of emotional cues and concerns in encounters with and without informal interpreters.
Patient Education and Counseling 97:1
► pp. 23 ff.

Vargas-Urpi, Mireia
Public service interpreting for Chinese immigrants in Catalonia: a study based on intepreters', coordinators' and users' views.
Language and Intercultural Communication 14:4
► pp. 475 ff.

Brisset, Camille, Yvan Leanza & Karine Laforest
Working with interpreters in health care: A systematic review and meta-ethnography of qualitative studies.
Patient Education and Counseling 91:2
► pp. 131 ff.

Edwards, Rosalind
Power and trust: an academic researcher’s perspective on working with interpreters as gatekeepers.
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16:6
► pp. 503 ff.

Fryer, Caroline Elizabeth, Shylie F. Mackintosh, Mandy J. Stanley & Jonathan Crichton
‘I understand all the major things’: how older people with limited English proficiency decide their need for a professional interpreter during health care after stroke.
Ethnicity & Health 18:6
► pp. 610 ff.

Hadziabdic, Emina & Katarina Hjelm
Working with interpreters: practical advice for use of an interpreter in healthcare.
International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 11:1
► pp. 69 ff.

Hadziabdic, Emina & Katarina Hjelm
Arabic-speaking migrants’ experiences of the use of interpreters in healthcare: a qualitative explorative study.
International Journal for Equity in Health 13:1

Stapleton, Helen, Rebecca Murphy & Sue Kildea
Lost in Translation: Staff and Interpreters’ Experiences of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale with Women from Refugee Backgrounds.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing 34:9
► pp. 648 ff.

Angelelli, Claudia V.
Health‐Care, Medical, and Mental Health Interpreting. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Davies, Eirlys E.
Translation and Intercultural Communication: Bridges and Barriers. In
The Handbook of Intercultural Discourse and Communication,
► pp. 367 ff.

Napier, Jemina & Della Goswell
Signed Language Interpreting Profession. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,

Gray, Ben, Jo Hilder & Hannah Donaldson
Why do we not use trained interpreters for all patients with limited English proficiency? Is there a place for using family members?.
Australian Journal of Primary Health 17:3
► pp. 240 ff.

Napier, Jemina
“It's not what they say but the way they say it”. A content analysis of interpreter and consumer perceptions towards signed language interpreting in Australia.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2011:207

Rosenberg, E., C. Richard, M.-T. Lussier & T. Shuldiner
The content of talk about health conditions and medications during appointments involving interpreters.
Family Practice 28:3
► pp. 317 ff.

Dickinson, Jules
Access all areas: identity issues and researcher responsibilities in workplace settings.
Text & Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse & Communication Studies 30:2
► pp. 105 ff.

Hadziabdic, Emina, Björn Albin, Kristiina Heikkilä & Katarina Hjelm
Healthcare staffs perceptions of using interpreters: a qualitative study.
Primary Health Care Research & Development 11:03
► pp. 260 ff.

Hadziabdic, Emina, Björn Albin, Kristiina Heikkilä & Katarina Hjelm
Family members’ experiences of the use of interpreters in healthcare.
Primary Health Care Research & Development 15:02
► pp. 156 ff.

The Translation Method for Teaching English: A Reflective Study of a Professional Translation Classroom.
Studies in Foreign Language Education 24:2
► pp. 19 ff.

Hadziabdic, E., K. Heikkilä, B. Albin & K. Hjelm
Migrants' perceptions of using interpreters in health care.
International Nursing Review 56:4
► pp. 461 ff.

Dijk, Andrea van & Joseph L. Soeters
Language matters in the military. In
Armed Forces and Conflict Resolution: Sociological Perspectives [
Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, 7],
► pp. 303 ff.

Rosenberg, Ellen, Robbyn Seller & Yvan Leanza
Through interpreters’ eyes: Comparing roles of professional and family interpreters.
Patient Education and Counseling 70:1
► pp. 87 ff.

Rosenberg, Ellen, Yvan Leanza & Robbyn Seller
Doctor–patient communication in primary care with an interpreter: Physician perceptions of professional and family interpreters.
Patient Education and Counseling 67:3
► pp. 286 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 8 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.