Journal of Second Language Pronunciation
Volume 3, Issue 1 (2017)
2017. iv, 155 pp.
Publishing status:
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Evidence-based pronunciation teaching: A pedagogy for the futureJohn M. Levis | pp. 1–8
Utilizing electropalatography to train palatalized versus unpalatalized consonant productions by native speakers of American English learning RussianJane F. Hacking, Bruce L. Smith & Eric M. Johnson | pp. 9–33
Using shadowing with mobile technology to improve L2 pronunciationJennifer A. Foote & Kim McDonough | pp. 34–56
Functional load revisited: Reinterpreting the findings of ‘lingua franca’ intelligibility studiesAndrew Sewell | pp. 57–79
Phonological development in two-way bilingual immersion: The case of Spanish vowelsMandy Renee Menke | pp. 80–108
“I feel like having a nervous breakdown”: Pre-service and in-service teachers’ developing beliefs and knowledge about pronunciation instructionMichael Burri, Amanda Baker & Honglin Chen | pp. 109–135
Tamara Jones (ed.). (2016) Pronunciation in the classroom. The overlooked essentialReviewed by Elizabeth Keenan | pp. 136–139
Carnegie Speech Company. NativeAccent. English Speech TrainingReviewed by Carole Mawson | pp. 140–143
Jose A. Mompean & Jonás Fouz-González (eds.). (2015) Investigating English pronunciation: Trends and directionsReviewed by Hilal Ergül | pp. 144–148
Alene Moyer. (2013) Foreign accent. The phenomenon of non-native speechReviewed by Sharif Alghazo | pp. 149–151
Chunsheng Yang. (2016) The acquisition of L2 Mandarin prosody. From experimental studies to pedagogical practiceReviewed by Mingxia Zhi & Becky Huang | pp. 152–155
Book reviews
Main BIC Subject
CFDC: Language acquisition
Main BISAC Subject