Cited by (30)

Cited by 30 other publications

Miyamoto, Yoichi, Koichi Otaki, Chie Nakamura & Noriaki Yusa
2024. On the nature of operators in the grammar of L1 Chinese learners of L2 Japanese. In Multilingual Acquisition and Learning [Studies in Bilingualism, 67],  pp. 529 ff. DOI logo
Sessarego, Sandro
2019. Language Contact and the Making of an Afro-Hispanic Vernacular, DOI logo
Sessarego, Sandro & Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach
2018. Afro-Hispanic contact varieties at the syntax/pragmatics interface. In Language Variation and Contact-Induced Change [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 340],  pp. 85 ff. DOI logo
Kim, Eunah, Soondo Baek & Annie Tremblay
2015. The Role of Island Constraints in Second Language Sentence Processing. Language Acquisition 22:4  pp. 384 ff. DOI logo
Dugarova, Esuna
2013.  Syntactic effects of feature-driven movement in Russian speakers’ L2 Chinese grammars. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3:4  pp. 389 ff. DOI logo
Dugarova, Esuna
2014. Russian speakers’ L2 Chinese acquisition of wh-topicalization at the syntax–discourse interface. Second Language Research 30:4  pp. 411 ff. DOI logo
Prentza, Alexandra I.
2012. Second Language Acquisition of Complex Structures: The Case of English Restrictive Relative Clauses. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 2:7 DOI logo
Omaki, Akira & Barbara Schulz
Schulz, Barbara
2011. Syntactic creativity in second language English: wh-scope marking in Japanese-English interlanguage. Second Language Research 27:3  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo
Belikova, Alyona & Lydia White
2009. EVIDENCE FOR THE FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE HYPOTHESIS OR NOT?. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 31:2  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Marinis, Theodore
2003. Psycholinguistic techniques in second language acquisition research. Second Language Research 19:2  pp. 144 ff. DOI logo
Vainikka, Anne & Martha Young-Scholten
2003. Second Language Syntax: A Generative Introduction. Lingua 113:1  pp. 93 ff. DOI logo
White, Lydia
2003. Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar, DOI logo
White, Lydia
2003. On the Nature of Interlanguage Representation: Universal Grammar in the Second Language. In The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 18 ff. DOI logo
Gonçalves, Perpétua
2002. The role of ambiguity in second language change: the case of Mozambican African Portuguese. Second Language Research 18:4  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
Dekydtspotter, Laurent, Rex A. Sprouse & Kimberly A. B. Swanson
2001. Reflexes of Mental Architecture in Second-Language Acquisition: The Interpretation of Combien Extractions in English-French Interlanguage. Language Acquisition 9:3  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Klein, Elaine C.
2001. (Mis)construing null prepositions in L2 intergrammars: a commentary and proposal. Second Language Research 17:1  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Dekydtspotter, Laurent, Rex A. Sprouse & Rachel Thyre
2000. The Interpretation of Quantification at a Distance in English-French Interlanguage: Domain Specificity and Second-Language Acquisition. Language Acquisition 8:4  pp. 265 ff. DOI logo
Liceras, Juana M. & Lourdes Díaz
1999. Topic-drop versus pro-drop: null subjects and pronominal subjects in the Spanish L2 of Chinese, English, French, German and Japanese speakers. Second Language Research 15:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Pérez-Leroux, Ana T. & William R. Glass
1999. Null anaphora in Spanish second language acquisition: probabilistic versus generative approaches. Second Language Research 15:2  pp. 220 ff. DOI logo
Roebuck, Regina F., María A. Martínez-Arbelaiz & Jorge I. Pérez-Silva
1999. Null subjects, filled CPs and L2 acquisition. Second Language Research 15:3  pp. 251 ff. DOI logo
Hawkins, Roger & Cecilia Yuet-hung Chan
1997. The partial availability of Universal Grammar in second language acquisition: the ‘failed functional features hypothesis’. Second Language Research 13:3  pp. 187 ff. DOI logo
Hamilton, Robert
1996. Against underdetermined reflexive binding. Second Language Research 12:4  pp. 420 ff. DOI logo
Braidi, Susan M.
1995. Reconsidering the Role of Interaction and Input in Second Language Acquisition. Language Learning 45:1  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Clahsen, Harald & Upyong Hong
1995. Agreement and null subjects in German L2 development: new evidence from reaction-time experiments. Second Language Research 11:1  pp. 57 ff. DOI logo
Juffs, Alan & Michael Harrington
1995. Parsing Effects in Second Language Sentence Processing. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 17:4  pp. 483 ff. DOI logo
Juffs, Alan & Michael Harrington
1996. Garden Path Sentences and Error Data in Second Language Sentence Processing. Language Learning 46:2  pp. 283 ff. DOI logo
Lakshmanan, Usha
1995. Child Second Language Acquisition of Syntax. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 17:3  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Eubank, Lynn
1993. On the Transfer of Parametric Values in L2 Development. Language Acquisition 3:3  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
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