Interviewing for accountability
Ideological framing and argumentation
During the National Policy Institute’s national conference in Washington D.C. on Saturday November 19th, 2016, Richard Spencer
delivered a speech in praise of the election victory of President Donald Trump. Shortly after the conference, Spencer was an
invited guest on the
News One Now programme in which he participated in a 32-minute interview with black
journalist, host and managing editor Roland Martin. Drawing attention to the ideological aspects of the Martin/Spencer interview
performance, we adopt the analytical lens of the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (
Musolff 2014;
Reisigl and Wodak 2009;
Wodak 2001,
2009) to explore argumentation as
a discursive strategy through
topoi or argumentative warrants (
Reisigl and
Wodak 2009;
Wodak 2009,
Wodak and Boukala 2015).
Article outline
- 1.Preamble
- 2.The news media as source of opinionated fact
- 3.The news interview as ideological confrontation
- 4.Approaches to argumentation
- 5.Methods
- 5.1Pre-interview framing
- 5.2Interview analysis
- 6.Conclusion
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