Demonstrative questions and epistemic authority management in medium-sitter interactions
Some examples from an Italian “public mediumship demonstration”
Although paranormal experiences have been broadly investigated, medium-sitter interactions have been studied much
less. In this article, five excerpts from an Italian “public mediumship demonstration” are presented with the main aim to answer
the following research questions: (1) what are the linguistic strategies used by the medium to manage her epistemic authority and
by the sitters to acknowledge, strengthen, resist or contest it? (2) how do these strategies affect the sequential structure of
interaction? The analyses reveal that: the medium mainly uses demonstrative questions; sitters generally confirm
what the medium discloses, acknowledging her epistemic authority; when sitters do not confirm, the medium resorts to three main
linguistic strategies attempting to (re)establish her authority; when the medium has to manage confirmation failures, the
sequential structure becomes more complex.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Corpus, aims, methods
- 2.1Corpus
- 2.2Aims
- 2.3Method
- 3.Results
- 3.1Some quantitative data
- 3.2The qualitative analysis
- 3.2.1Confirmative answers
- The acknowledgment of M’s epistemic authority
- The strengthening of M’s epistemic authority
- 3.2.2Confirmative failures
- Reworking questions on the basis of what S has previously said to reduce the likelihood of obtaining another disconfirming answer
- Overlapping and quickly shifting to a related topic to limit the damage
- Self-repair expressions (I explained myself poorly) to ascribe S’s disconfirmation to a linguistic misunderstanding, and adding new questions
- 4.Conclusion and discussion
- Notes
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