The ecology of variation and change in the context of language attrition
ʔuzãʔ (Chichimec) vowels
Language attrition arises in sociocultural niches which are less than optimal for the survival of a speech
community. Analogously to what happens with species in nature, the risk of extinction and the evolution of their systems are
determined by internal and external conditions as well by the extent of their impact over the population. Changes in the vitality
and maintenance of the language and transformations of its structural properties are partly a response to broader and more general
socio-historical factors. This paper discusses striking differences of the phonological system of contemporary ʔuzãʔ (Otomanguean)
with respect to descriptions made at the beginning of the 20th century. A detailed phonetic description of the variation and
change of the sound patterns in ʔuzãʔ are explained as a function of a general process of language obsolescence. It is claimed
that the same ecological predictors of extinction for natural species account for the decline of the language.
Article outline
- 1.Prolegomenon
- 2.Introduction
- 2.1Social context and language endangerment
- 2.2Anthropogenic factors of language attrition
- 3.Previous description and research
- 4.Methods, language data and recording protocol
- 5.Overview of the ʔuzãʔ sound system
- 5.1The phonetic properties of ʔuzãʔ vowels
- 5.2Vowels
- 5.3Oral vowels
- 5.4Oral breathy vowels
- 5.5Oral laryngealized vowels
- 5.6Nasal vowels
- 5.6.1Variation and vowel space
- 5.6.2Nasal coarticulation
- 6.Summary and discussion
- 6.1Oral vowel space: Witnessing sound change in progress
- 6.2Non-modal vowels
- 6.3Nasal vowels
- 7.Concluding remarks
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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