Chapter 3
Collaborative writing in face-to-face and computer-mediated L2 settings
A methodological perspective
In this chapter, we synthesize the methodological
approaches, research techniques, analytic frameworks, and research
practices in existing collaborative writing (CW) empirical research.
We start with an overview of both the predominant and emerging
research techniques in existing CW literature, and then examine how
the four major components of face-to-face and computer-mediated
collaborative writing have been analyzed in prior research: peer
interaction, revisions, patterns of collaboration, and written
products. In reviewing the various analytic frameworks, we identify
possible ways in which they may complement each other. Lastly, we
review the research practices in this area, noting aspects in need
of further consideration. We conclude this chapter by discussing
noticeable methodological patterns and calling for more
methodological discussion in this domain.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Research approaches in CW
- Analytical frameworks in CW
- Peer interaction
- Revision
- Patterns of collaboration
- Collaborative writing product
- Methodological practices in CW research
- Conclusion