2014. On the history of European functionalism. La linguistique Vol. 50:2 ► pp. 7 ff.
2013. The philosophical bases of Prague Linguistic Circle during the 60's of the XX century. Écho des études romanes 9:1 ► pp. 5 ff.
Nekula, Marek
2001. Vilém Mathesius. In Handbook of Pragmatics, ► pp. 1 ff.
Bátori, István, John D. Bengtson, Ruth M. Brend, Mike Cahill, Eduardo O. Faingold, Eduardo D. Faingold, Grazia Crocco Galèas, Ray Harris-Northall, Masataka Ishikawa, Masataka Ishikawa, Mark Janse, Roger Lass, Alan R. Libert, Eugenio Ramón Luján Martínez, Eugenio Ramón Luján Martínez, Stephen J. Matthews, Stephen O. Murray, Nick Nicholas, Charles Peck, Edgar C. Polomé, Edgar C. Polomé, Heidi Quinn, Leonard Rolfe, W. Wilfried Schuhmacher, Jyh Wee Sew, Jyh Wee Sew, Yuri Tambovtsev, Masako Ueda & Paula West
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