The data for this chapter comprises two corpora representing the intimate
genre collected in the home/family environment: one from a middle class Irish
family and one from a family belonging to the Irish Traveller community, an
ethnic minority group accounting for less than 1% of the Irish population. The
focus of the chapter is the occurrence of vocatives across the two corpora. The
corpus frequency counts suggest that although the Traveller family use vocatives
notably more frequently than the settled family, vocatives play a defining
role in both families’ pragmatic systems. In general, vocatives in spoken English
are associated with the marking of discourse boundaries (see, for example,
Carter and McCarthy 2006). However, this chapter demonstrates that vocatives
perform a predominantly mitigating function in both families.
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Cited by (12)
Cited by 12 other publications
Aijmer, Karin
2023. Corpus Pragmatics. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language in Context, ► pp. 289 ff.
Clancy, Brian
2023. Language and Irish Travellers. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 629 ff.
O’Keeffe, Anne
2023. Irish English Corpus Linguistics. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 243 ff.
P. Amador-Moreno, Carolina
2023. Discourse-Pragmatic Markers in Irish English. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 426 ff.
Vaughan, Elaine
2023. Politeness in Irish English. In The Oxford Handbook of Irish English, ► pp. 448 ff.
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