Metalinguistic comments and signals
What can they tell us about the conventionalization of
Many neologies receive a large amount of metalinguistic focus
during their conventionalization. This includes explicit metalinguistic
comments, as well as several ways of emphasizing a new word qua word in running
texts, so-called metasignals (e.g., quotation marks). This
article reports from a large quantitative study of 360 Swedish neologies. It
investigates the nature and the amount of metafocus during conventionalization.
More than 96% of the neologies received metafocus at least once, but the mean
proportion of metafocused citations was low, just under 3.5%. Metafocusing is
likely to be more intense in early phases and is likely to decline over time. No
long-term effects of metafocusing on the conventionalization process itself were
found in corpus data.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Metacomments and metasignals
- 3.Data
- 4.Patterns of metafocusing
- 5.Decline over time
- 6.How does metafocusing affect conventionalization?
- 7.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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