Interpretations based on delayed-domain (dis)appearance in printed advertising
Expanding the analytical framework
In the Cognitive Linguistics literature, the way viewers understand printed ads whose interpretation is based on
metaphors and/or metonymies is conditioned by the principle whereby the source and target domains are called upon by the
linguistic expression at roughly the same time (cf.
Gibbs, 2006).
Herrero-Ruiz (2019) has shown how certain contextual
effects are generated when one of the metaphoric/metonymic domains appears at a later stage in the interpretation process
direct vs.
delayed domain appearance). In this paper, we shall describe various analytical
patterns grounded in this new perspective as well as the specific interpretive routes that they imply. In doing so, we offer an
alternative to the existing approaches that try to account for the possible interpretations printed ads based on metaphors and/or
metonymies may elicit.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Analysis
- 2.1Direct domain appearance
- 2.2Delayed domain (dis)appearance
- 2.2.1Shifts from non-metaphoric/metonymic to metaphoric/metonymic interpretations
- 2.2.2Shifts from a metaphoric/metonymic to a different metaphoric/metonymic interpretation
- 2.2.3Demetaphorization and gradual linkage of domains
- 3.Conclusion. Thinking the other way round
- Acknowledgements
- Notes