Articles Linguistiques
Degrees of grammaticalization and measure constructions in Italian
Against the background of recent debate on Grammaticalization Theory, this study will provide an overview of some Italian
quantifying expressions whose original head is a measure noun. The binominal expressions analysed indicate a quantity, either
large or small; as such, they can be substituted by canonical quantifiers such as molto “much” or un
po’ “a little”. I claim that their functioning as quantifier is the result of a process of grammaticalization,
through which the original head noun of the complex construction has been reanalysed as quantifier. At a closer look, however, the
degrees of grammaticalization appear different for specific items, as well as the sources providing the recruitment of new
quantifiers. The specific collocational patterns that trigger the pragmatic inferences prior to their semanticization and
reanalysis have not as yet received sufficient attention. Adopting a diachronic Construction Grammar approach, the paper discusses
various case studies and provides a number of descriptive and theoretical insights concerning the rise of distinct
grammaticalization patterns.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Theoretical and methodological questions
- 3.The construction un sacco di between lexical uses and grammaticalization paths
- 4.Other size nouns reanalyzed as quantifiers
- 4.1
Un mucchio di
- 4.2
Un monte di, una montagna di “a mountain of”, “a heap of”
- 4.3
Un mare di / una marea di
- 4.4
Una valanga di
- 4.5A look at historical attestations
- 5.Small size nouns
- 5.1
Briciolo and briciola
- 5.2Further cases
- 6.Conclusions
- Notes
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Kolyaseva, Alena
From size measurement to simultaneity: the case of Russian po mere ‘by measure’.
Language Sciences 95
► pp. 101513 ff.

Herda, Damian
On the Gradience of English Size Nouns: frequency, productivity, and expansion .
Baltic Journal of English Language, Literature and Culture 12
► pp. 30 ff.

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