Articles littéraires
Au sujet d’une nouvelle histoire littéraire francophone transnationale
L’enjeu des études de réception dans les territoires non francophones
This article considers the Francophone literary canon based on a transnational reception study. It focuses
on the circulation of French language literature within the Swedish academic system during the last thirty years. A longitudinal
empirical study of bachelor and doctoral dissertations in French between 1986 and 2016 allows the author to examine the dynamics
of canon formation and renewal, as well as the role of universities in this process, particularly in regard to the creation of a
canon of Francophone literary works. In response to recent scholarly anthologies which have debated the Francophone canon, this
study is able to confirm the existence of Francophone classics. Finally, it is argued that further reception studies focusing on
areas outwith the Francophone literary system will be of prime importance if the question of the Francophone canon is to be fully
assessed beyond the immediate context of the Hexagone.
Article outline
- 1.L’enjeu de la réception internationale
- 1.1Délimitation du corpus et des questions de recherche
- 2.L’université, une instance médiatrice conservatrice ?
- 3.L’université, une instance autonome ?
- 4.L’enjeu des études de réception pour une contribution à une nouvelle histoire littéraire francophone transnationale
- Remarques
Références bibliographiques
Article language: French