La sceneggiatura teatrale inedita di “La Virtù di Checchina”
Discorso indiretto libero e modo iterativo nel transfer intermediale
This article deals with a comparison between Matilde Serao’s short story “Checchina’s Virtue” (
1884) and the homonymous unpublished theatrical script written by Massimo Franciosa (
1995), of which a summary is provided. The comparison between the source text and the adaptation draws on the debate about the narrativity of drama in which many scholars have engaged in the last decades:
Richardson (1987),
Chatman (1990),
Jahn (2001),
Fludernik (2008) and
Nünning & Sommer (2008). The analysis focuses on two forms of diegetic narrativity that appear in the short story, i. e. free indirect discourse and the iterative mode, in order to see how the theatrical script deals with them. The analysis shows that the script preserves the narrative contents of the source text and highlights how diegetic and mimetic narrativity collaborate to the reworking and redistribution of those contents.
Article outline
- 1.Introduzione
- 2.“La Virtù di Checchina” di Matilde Serao
- 2.1Discorso indiretto libero e modo iterativo: osservazioni preliminari
- 3.La sceneggiatura di Franciosa
- 3.1Discorso indiretto libero e modo iterativo: dalla novella al testo teatrale
- 4.Osservazioni riassuntive
- Notes
This article is currently available as a sample article.
Article language: Italian