Parallel corpora can be used in translation research in at least two ways: as the main source of data or as a supplement to data retrieved from a comparable corpus, enabling data triangulation. In the former scenario, they may throw light on contrastive aspects or on translator techniques and methods. In the latter they will tend to be searched to account for differences perceived between the two components of a comparable corpus. Two case studies will be put forward in order to illustrate these two uses of parallel corpora. Both draw on the English-Catalan subcorpus of COVALT (Valencian Corpus of Translated Literature). The first analyses the translation of meal names whereas the second focuses on the -ment adverb + adjective construction.
Anderman, Gunilla & Rogers, Margaret. 2008. The linguist and the translator. In Incorporating Corpora. The Linguist and the Translator, Gunilla Anderman & Margaret Rogers (eds), 5–17. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Baroni, Marco & Bernardini, Silvia. 2003. A preliminary analysis of collocational differences in monolingual comparable corpora. <[URL]> (11April 2017).
Bernardini, Silvia. 2005. Reviving old ideas: Parallel and comparable analysis in translation studies – with an example from translation stylistics. In New Tendencies in Translation Studies, Karin Aijmer & Cecilia Alvstad (eds), 5–18. Göteborg: University of Göteborg.
Bernardini, Silvia. 2007. Collocations in translated language. Combining parallel, comparable and reference corpora. In Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference, Matthew Davies, Paul Rayson, Susan Hunston & Pernilla Danielsson (eds). <[URL]> (11April 2017).
Bosseaux, Charlotte. 2007. How Does it Feel? Point of View in Translation. The Case of Virginia Woolf into French. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Calzada Pérez, María. 2005. Corpus electrónicos como herramientas de documentación y formación de traductores. In La biblioteca de Babel. Documentarse para traducir, Dora Sales Salvador (ed.), 163–199. Granada: Comares.
Dyvik, Helge. 2002. Translations as semantic mirrors: From parallel corpus to wordnet. In Advances in Corpus Linguistics. Papers from the 23rd International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 23) Göteborg 22–26May 2002, Karin Aijmer & Bengt Altenberg (ed.), 311–326. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Firth, John R.1957. Papers in Linguistics 1934–1951. London: OUP.
Frankenberg-Garcia, Ana & Santos, Diana. 2003. Introducing Compara, the Portuguese–English parallel corpus. In Corpora in Translator Education, Federico Zanettin, Silvia Bernardini & Dominic Stewart (eds), 71–87. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Gellerstam, Martin. 1986. Translationese in Swedish novels translated from English. In Translation Studies in Scandinavia. Proceedings of the Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory (SSOTT), Lars Wollin & Hans Lindquist (ed.), 88–95. Lund: Lund Studies in English.
Johansson, Stig. 2007. Seeing through Multilingual Corpora. On the Use of Corpora in Contrastive Studies [Studies in Corpus Linguistics 26]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kenny, Dorothy. 2001. Lexis and Creativity in Translation. A Corpus-Based Approach. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Kenny, Dorothy. 2005. Parallel corpora and translation studies: Old questions, new perspectives? Reporting that in Gepcolt: A case study. In Meaningful Texts: The Extraction of Semantic Information from Monolingual and Multilingual Corpora, Geoff Barnbrook, Pernilla Danielsson & Michaela Mahlberg (eds), 154–165. London: Continuum.
Malmkjaer, Kirsten. 1998. Love thy neighbour: Will parallel corpora endear linguists to translators?Meta: Translators’ Journal 43(4): 534–541.
Mauranen, Anna. 2000. Strange strings in translated language: a study on corpora. In Intercultural Faultlines. Research Models in Translation Studies, I: Textual and Cognitive Aspects, Maeve Olohan (ed.), 119–141. Manchester: St. Jerome.
McEnery, Tony & Xiao, Richard. 2008. Parallel and comparable corpora: What is happening? In Incorporating Corpora: The Linguist and the Translator, Gunilla Anderman & Margaret Rogers (eds), 18–31. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Montanari, Massimo. 2004. Il cibo come cultura. Bari: Laterza.
Olohan, Maeve. 2004. Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies. London: Routledge.
Oster, Ulrike & Molés-Cases, Teresa. 2016. Eating and drinking seen through translation: A study of food-related translation difficulties and techniques in a parallel corpus of literary texts. Across Languages and Cultures 17(1): 53–75.
Zanettin, Federico. 2000. Parallel corpora in translation studies: issues in corpus design and analysis. In Intercultural Faultlines. Research Models in Translation Studies, I: Textual and Cognitive Aspects, Maeve Olohan (ed.), 105–118. Manchester: St. Jerome.
Zanettin, Federico. 2012. Translation-Driven Corpora. Corpus Resources for Descriptive and Applied Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome.
2021. Mind the Source Data! Translation Equivalents and Translation Stimuli from Parallel Corpora. In New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies [New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ], ► pp. 259 ff.
2019. Why typology matters: a corpus-based study of explicitation and implicitation of Manner-of-motion in narrative texts. Perspectives 27:6 ► pp. 890 ff.
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 27 july 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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