Does extensive L2 exposure trigger L1 attrition of perfective and durative aspect marking in Mandarin Chinese?
This study concerns whether extended exposure to a second language would lead to first language (L1) attrition, i.e. changes of L1 linguistic behavior/knowledge. An acceptability judgement task, which examined the perceptive knowledge of perfective and durative aspect marking in Mandarin Chinese, was employed, and the performance of 14 Mandarin-English bilinguals in the UK was examined. The results did not suggest that the bilinguals showed L1 attrition in perceiving perfective/durative aspect marking. The paper also discusses how research on heritage language acquisition could benefit from L1 attrition research.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Background
- 2.1The aspect system of Mandarin
- 2.2Studies on aspect marking in HL Mandarin
- 3.The present study
- 4.Methodology
- 4.1Participants
- 4.2Material
- 5.Results and analysis
- 6.General discussion
- 7.Conclusion