Chapter 7
Multilevel input processing
Emerging developments and future challenges
Research on input processing (IP) to date has focused largely on sentences and acquisition of morphosyntax. Other research has addressed IP at the lexical level for different aspects of vocabulary acquisition. This chapter clarifies how understanding multilevel IP can improve our understanding of IP across the board. Section 1 defines multilevel IP and clarifies its overarching role when learners are exposed to input. Section 2 summarizes research on sentence-level IP and identifies areas in which research on lexical IP can be informative. Section 3 summarizes research on lexical IP, noting areas in which research on sentence-level IP can be informative. Finally, Section 4 discusses challenges to be met in new efforts to investigate and advance theory related to multilevel IP.
Article outline
- Introduction
- Multilevel input processing: An introduction
- Sentence-level input processing
- Input as the necessary ingredient
- Input processing principles
- Sentence-level input processing and other levels of input processing: Crosstalk
- Lexical input processing
- The scope of research on lexical input processing
- Contexts of vocabulary learning
- Key developments in research on lexical input processing
- Specificity in type of processing and learning
- The partial nature of word form learning
- Thirty observations about lexical input processing
- Lexical input processing and other levels of input processing: Crosstalk
- State of the science for multilevel input processing: Where are we now?
- Future research on multilevel input processing: Where might we go from here?
- Within-level research
- Between-level research
- Global-level research
- Combining different areas of language science
- Summary and conclusion