Language Processing and Grammars
The role of functionally oriented computational models
There is a growing awareness of the significance and value that modelling using information technology can bring to the functionally oriented linguistic enterprise. This encompasses a spectrum of areas as diverse as concept modelling, language processing and grammar modelling, conversational agents, and the visualisation of complex linguistic information in a functional linguistic perspective. This edited volume offers a collection of papers dealing with different aspects of computational modelling of language and grammars, within a functional perspective at both the theoretical and application levels. As a result, this volume represents the first instance of contemporary functionally oriented computational treatments of a variety of important language and linguistic issues. This book presents current research on functionally oriented computational models of grammar, language processing and linguistics, concerned with a broadly functional computational linguistics that also contributes to our understanding of languages within a functional and cognitive linguistic, computational research agenda.
[Studies in Language Companion Series, 150] 2014. vi, 396 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 17 March 2014
Published online on 17 March 2014
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
IntroductionBrian Nolan and Carlos Periñán-Pascual | pp. 1–12
From the extraction of continuous features in parallel texts to visual analytics of heterogeneous areal-typological datasetsThomas Mayer, Bernhard Wälchli, Christian Rohrdantz and Michael Hund | pp. 13–38
Lexical-syntactic analysis model of Spanish multi-word expressionsJorge Antonio Leoni de León | pp. 39–78
Three-place predicates in RRG: A computational approachJudith Gottschalk | pp. 79–104
A Role and Reference Grammar parser for GermanElke Diedrichsen | pp. 105–142
Extending a lexicalist functional grammar through speech acts, constructions and conversational software agentsBrian Nolan | pp. 143–164
The implementation of the CLS constructor in ARTEMISCarlos Periñán-Pascual and Francisco Arcas-Túnez | pp. 165–196
FrameNet and FunGramKB: A comparison of two computational resources for semantic knowledge representationAlba Luzondo Oyón and Rocío Jiménez Briones | pp. 197–232
Exploring the thematic-frame mapping in FunGramKBFátima Guerra García and Elena Sacramento Lechado | pp. 233–250
FunGramKB term extractor: A tool for building terminological ontologies from specialised corporaÁngel Felices-Lago and Pedro Ureña Gómez-Moreno | pp. 251–270
Deep semantic representation in a domain-specific ontology: Linking EcoLexicon to FunGramKBAntonio San Martín and Pamela Faber | pp. 271–296
A functional and constructional approach for specialized knowledge resourcesBeatriz Sánchez Cárdenas and Pamela Faber | pp. 297–312
Applying the lexical constructional model to ontology buildingElena Montiel-Ponsoda and Guadalupe Aguado-de-Cea | pp. 313–338
The interaction of non-linguistic and linguistic knowledge in FunGramKBFátima Guerra García | pp. 339–366
Low-level situational cognitive models within the Lexical Constructional Model and their computational implementation in FunGramKBFrancisco José Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez | pp. 367–390
Index | pp. 391–396
Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Cortés-Rodríguez, Francisco J. & Ana Díaz-Galán
Nolan, Brian
2014. Theoretical and computational considerations of linking constructions in Role and Reference Grammar. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 12:2 ► pp. 410 ff. 
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Terminology & Lexicography
Main BIC Subject
CFX: Computational linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General