Chapter 4
Category-building lists between grammar and interaction
A constructionist view
Lists are one of the most common devices that are
used in interaction to refer to a category. Yet, there are only few
studies that analyze the relationship between lists and
categorization. Our paper aims at advancing our knowledge of this
relationship, and of lists in general. From a theoretical point of
view, we discuss the benefits of integrating the Construction Grammar
approach to lists adopted in Masini et al. (2018) with some of the basic assumptions
of Interactional Linguistics. From an empirical point of view, we
offer a qualitative analysis of lists based on data from two corpora
of spoken Italian: the LIP corpus (De Mauro et al. 1993) and the KIParla corpus (Mauri et al. 2019a). In
particular, we discuss a case study on the use of the Italian
discourse marker insomma within list constructions:
while it serves as a reformulation marker in most of its uses,
insomma also proves to be used (more marginally)
as a category introducer within category-building lists. Our findings
provide useful insight to ultimately bridge the gap between denotation
lists as a reference-oriented phenomenon and other types of mechanisms
that are relevant at the discourse level, including conversational
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1What is a list?
- 1.2Lists and categorization
- 2.Lists between grammar and discourse
- 2.1Lists as constructions
- 2.2Lists in interaction
- 2.2.1Lists and spoken syntax
- 2.2.2The temporal organization of lists
- 2.2.3Dialogicity in list production
- 2.3Interim summary: Bridging the gap between grammar and interaction
- 3.Between categorization and reformulation: The case of insomma
- 3.1Discourse markers and lists
- 3.2Insomma and lists: Data
- 3.3Theoretical discussion
- 4.Conclusions
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