Palenquero Creole
The syntax of second person pronouns and the pragmatics of address switching
The aim of this chapter is to examine the structural and contextual distribution of address pronouns in Palenquero (henceforth PAL), a Spanish-based Creole spoken in Colombia. Following up on seminal studies by Schwegler (1993, 2002) and using Lambrecht’s (1994) Information Structure theory, it brings to the fore previously overlooked syntactic features of PAL second person pronouns. The fascinating data examined show that the alternation between address pronouns bo and uté are linked to special discursive parameters, since address switching (as well as the maintenance of a given address pronoun throughout an entire part of the conversation) plays an important role in conversation structure. The chapter describes the origins and the sociolinguistic situation of PAL and the (morpho)syntactic properties of PAL pronouns of address. It addresses to what extent (if any) the syntactic and discursive distribution of address pronouns resembles that found in Palenquero’s lexifier or superstrate, i.e., vernacular Caribbean Spanish as spoken during the 17th century. It concludes that only the phonetic form of Palenquero second person pronouns is related to Spanish, whereas the syntactic and discursive properties of these pronouns have not been taken from the lexifier. The role of linguistic universals and, most importantly, the influence of Palenquero’s substrate (the Bantu language Kikongo) account for the different patterns of address use between the Creole and its lexifier.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The syntax of second person pronouns in PAL
- 3.Switching between bo and uté
- 4.Relationship between PAL and Spanish address pronouns
- 4.1The phonetic form
- 4.2Syntactic distribution
- 4.3Neutralization of T and V and address switching
- 5.Conclusion
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