Review published In:
TargetVol. 12:1 (2000) ► pp.179–182
Book review
Kremer, Marion. 1997. Person Reference and Gender in Translation: A Contrastive Investigation of English and German
References (5)
Chamberlain, Lori. 1992. “Gender and the Metaphorics of Translation”. Lawrence Venuti, ed. Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology. New York-London: Routledge, 1992. 57–74.
Chevalier, Jean-Claude & Marie-France Delport. 1995. Problèmes linguistiques de la traduction: L’horlogerie de saint Jérôme. Paris: Éditions L’Harmattan.
Flotow, Luise von. 1991. “Feminist Translation: Contexts, Practices and Theories”. TTR 4:2. 69–84.
Godard, Barbara. 1984. “Translating and Sexual Difference”. Resources for Feminist Research 13:3. 13–16.
Newmark, Peter. 1991. About Translation. Clevedon-Philadelphia-Adelaide: Multilingual Matters.