Volume 4, Issue 2 (2024)

Expected December 2024.  ca. 150 pp.
Publishing status: In production
Table of Contents
This is a provisional table of contents, and subject to changes.
Editor’s preface
Talking It Through with Teachers: Jonathan Newton’s Reflections on Coursebooks, Challenges, and Opportunities for TBLT: An interview with Jonathan Newton
Spanish for Emergency Room Nursing: A Task-Based Needs Analysis
A Task-Based Needs Analysis of Primary School-Aged Children with Migrant or Refugee Backgrounds in Austria
Task repetition and L2 grit: Exploring the interplay in language learners’ oral performance
Position paper: A Journey of Sustainable TBLT Curricular Development: Collaborating with Various Stakeholders and Producing TBLT Ambassadors
Let’s talk tasks: A conversation between task-based researchers, language teachers, and teacher trainers: A state of mind

Main BIC Subject

CJA: Language teaching theory & methods

Main BISAC Subject

LAN020000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Study & Teaching