Cited by (71)

Cited by 71 other publications

Huang, Qi & Walter Bisang
2024. The Contrastive and Referential Function of Specific Classifiers in Xiamen Southern Min—Evidence from a Cognitive Experimental Study. Languages 9:5  pp. 181 ff. DOI logo
Her, One-Soon & Bing-Tsiong Li
2023. A single origin of numeral classifiers in Asia and the Pacific. In Nominal Classification in Asia and Oceania [Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 362],  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Bradley, David
2022. Language Endangerment, Loss, and Reclamation Today. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact,  pp. 455 ff. DOI logo
Chan, Shiao-hui
2022. Dynamics of nominal classification systems in language processing. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37:6  pp. 671 ff. DOI logo
Frankowsky, Maximilian, Dan Ke, Pienie Zwitserlood, René Michel & Jens Bölte
2022. The interplay between classifier choice and animacy in Mandarin-Chinese noun phrases: an ERP study. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37:7  pp. 866 ff. DOI logo
Huang, Aijun, Jingjing Li & Luisa Meroni
2022. Grammatical and contextual factors affecting the interpretation of superordinate collectives in child and adult Mandarin. Linguistics 60:4  pp. 933 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Jiahuan & Ksenia Gnevsheva
2022. The effects of L1, task, and classifier type in Chinese-L2 learners’ use of classifiers. Chinese as a Second Language Research 11:1  pp. 33 ff. DOI logo
Zhou, Adler Yang
2022. Applying cognitive linguistics to teaching Chinese classifiers: Evidence from teaching Chinese as a heritage language in Germany. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Hao, Ying, Lisa Bedore, Li Sheng, Peng Zhou & Li Zheng
2021. Exploring influential factors of shape classifier comprehension and production in Mandarin-speaking children. First Language 41:5  pp. 573 ff. DOI logo
Li, Fei, Xiangfei Hong, Zhaoying He, Sixuan Wu & Chenyi Zhang
2021. Investigating Heritage Language Processing: Meaning Composition in Chinese Classifier-Noun Phrasal Contexts. Frontiers in Psychology 12 DOI logo
Kuo, Yueh Hsin
2020. Reinforcement by realignment in diachronic construction grammar. Constructions and Frames 12:2  pp. 206 ff. DOI logo
Stoch, Nastazja
2020. The grammatical distinction between count nouns and mass nouns in Mandarin Chinese. Lingua Posnaniensis 62:1  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Wu, Shu-Ling
2020. Crosslinguistic influence in development of reference realization: A comparison of foreign language learners and heritage language learners. Chinese as a Second Language Research 9:2  pp. 227 ff. DOI logo
Kan, Rachel TY
2019. Production of Cantonese classifiers in young heritage speakers and majority language speakers. International Journal of Bilingualism 23:6  pp. 1531 ff. DOI logo
Kuteva, Tania, Bernd Heine, Bo Hong, Haiping Long, Heiko Narrog & Seongha Rhee
2019. World Lexicon of Grammaticalization, DOI logo
Nagy, Naomi & Samuel Lo
2019. Classifier use in Heritage and Hong Kong Cantonese. Asia-Pacific Language Variation 5:1  pp. 84 ff. DOI logo
Tao, Liang
2019. Usage based language change and exemplar representations in Beijing Mandarin Chinese. In Current Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse [Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse, 10],  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Li, Shaofeng & Mengxia Fu
2018. Strategic and unpressured within-task planning and their associations with working memory. Language Teaching Research 22:2  pp. 230 ff. DOI logo
Bi, Yanchao
2017. Nominal classification is not positive evidence for language relativity: a commentary on Kemmerer (2016). Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32:4  pp. 428 ff. DOI logo
Bisang, Walter & Yicheng Wu
2017. Numeral classifiers in East Asia. Linguistics 55:2  pp. 257 ff. DOI logo
Tsang, Cara, Craig G. Chambers & Mindaugas Mozuraitis
2017. Compounds, competition, and incremental word identification in spoken Cantonese. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 32:1  pp. 69 ff. DOI logo
2016. The acquisition of Chinese relative clauses: contrasting two theoretical approaches. Journal of Child Language 43:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Kuo, Jenny Yi-Chun
2016. Lexical Development. In Mandarin Development of Indonesian Immigrants’ Children,  pp. 111 ff. DOI logo
Qian, Zhiying & Susan Garnsey
2016. An ERP study of the processing of Mandarin classifiers. In Integrating Chinese Linguistic Research and Language Teaching and Learning [Studies in Chinese Language and Discourse, 7],  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Lobben, Marit & Stefania D’Ascenzo
2015. Grounding grammatical categories: attention bias in hand space influences grammatical congruency judgment of Chinese nominal classifiers. Frontiers in Psychology 6 DOI logo
Yu, Bin-Bin
2015. Rethinking language education in Taiwan: A case of English majors’ use of Chinese classifiers in translation. International Journal of Research Studies in Language Learning 4:4 DOI logo
Aalberse, Suzanne & Francesca Moro
2014. Stability in Chinese and Malay heritage languages as a source of divergence. In Stability and Divergence in Language Contact [Studies in Language Variation, 16],  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
del Gobbo, Francesca
2014. Classifiers. In The Handbook of Chinese Linguistics,  pp. 26 ff. DOI logo
Li, Hui & Eileen Chin Mei Wong
2014. Comparing classifier use in 1995 and 2010 early child Cantonese to explore social change in Hong Kong. Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal 5:1  pp. 79 ff. DOI logo
Li, Shaofeng
2013. The interactions between the effects of implicit and explicit feedback and individual differences in language analytic ability and working memory. The Modern Language Journal 97:3  pp. 634 ff. DOI logo
Li, Shaofeng
2014. The interface between feedback type, L2 proficiency, and the nature of the linguistic target. Language Teaching Research 18:3  pp. 373 ff. DOI logo
Sera, Maria D., Kaitlin R. Johnson & Jenny Yichun Kuo
2013. Classifiers augment and maintain shape-based categorization in Mandarin speakers. Language and Cognition 5:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Tkachman, Oksana & Wendy Sandler
2013. The noun–verb distinction in two young sign languages. Gesture 13:3  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Tkachman, Oksana & Wendy Sandler
2015. The noun-verb distinction in two young sign languages. In Where do nouns come from? [Benjamins Current Topics, 70],  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Armoskaite, Solveiga
2012. Aspectual effects of a pluractional suffix: Evidence from Lithuanian. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Bale, Alan C. & David Barner
2012. Semantic triggers, linguistic variation and the mass‐count distinction. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 238 ff. DOI logo
Cheng, Lisa Lai-Shen & Rint Sybesma
2012. Classifiers and DP. Linguistic Inquiry 43:4  pp. 634 ff. DOI logo
Cheng, Lisa Lai‐Shen
2012. Counting and classifiers. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Cowper, Elizabeth & Daniel Currie Hall
2012. Aspects of individuation. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo
Ghaniabadi, Saeed
2012. Plural marking beyond count nouns. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 112 ff. DOI logo
Ghomeshi, Jila & Diane Massam
2012. The count mass distinction: Issues and perspectives. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Grimm, Scott
2012. Individuation and inverse number marking in Dagaare. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 75 ff. DOI logo
Klein, Natalie M., Greg N. Carlson, Renjie Li, T. Florian Jaeger & Michael K. Tanenhaus
2012. Classifying and massifying incrementally in Chinese language comprehension. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 261 ff. DOI logo
Diane Massam
2012. Count and Mass Across Languages, DOI logo
Mathieu, Eric
2012. On the mass/count distinction in Ojibwe. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 172 ff. DOI logo
Paul, Ileana
2012. General number and the structure of DP. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 99 ff. DOI logo
Pelletier, Francis Jeffry
2012. Lexical nouns are both +mass and +count, but they are neither +mass nor +count. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
Saalbach, Henrik & Mutsumi Imai
2012. The relation between linguistic categories and cognition: The case of numeral classifiers. Language and Cognitive Processes 27:3  pp. 381 ff. DOI logo
Wiese, Heike
2012. Collectives in the intersection of mass and count nouns: A cross‐linguistic account. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 54 ff. DOI logo
Wiltschko, Martina
2012. Decomposing the mass/count distinction: Evidence from languages that lack it. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 146 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Niina Ning
2012. Countability and numeral classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 220 ff. DOI logo
Chang-Smith, Meiyun
2010. Developmental pathways for first language acquisition of Mandarin nominal expressions: Comparing monolingual with simultaneous Mandarin—English bilingual children. International Journal of Bilingualism 14:1  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
Gao, Helena H.
2010. A study of Swedish speakers' learning of Chinese noun classifiers. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 33:2  pp. 197 ff. DOI logo
Li, Peggy, Becky Huang & Yaling Hsiao
2010. Learning that classifiers count: Mandarin-speaking children’s acquisition of sortal and mensural classifiers. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 19:3  pp. 207 ff. DOI logo
Seifart, Frank
2010. Nominal Classification. Language and Linguistics Compass 4:8  pp. 719 ff. DOI logo
Seifart, Frank
Srinivasan, Mahesh
2010. Do classifiers predict differences in cognitive processing? A study of nominal classification in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Cognition 2:2  pp. 177 ff. DOI logo
Salehuddin, Khazriyati & Heather Winskel
2009. An investigation into Malay numeral classifier acquisition through an elicited production task. First Language 29:3  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
Li, Peggy, David Barner & Becky H. Huang
2008. Classifiers as Count Syntax: Individuation and Measurement in the Acquisition of Mandarin Chinese. Language Learning and Development 4:4  pp. 249 ff. DOI logo
Payne, Doris L.
2007. Source of the Yagua Nominal Classification System. International Journal of American Linguistics 73:4  pp. 447 ff. DOI logo
2007. The acquisition of Cantonese classifiers by preschool children in Hong Kong. Journal of Child Language 34:3  pp. 495 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Hong
2007. Numeral classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 16:1  pp. 43 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Carlota S.
2003. Modes of Discourse, DOI logo
Stokes, Stephanie F. & Lydia K.H. So
1997. Classifier use by language-disordered and age-matched Cantonese-speaking children. Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing 2:2  pp. 83 ff. DOI logo
Peyraube, Alain
1996. Recent Issues in Chinese Historical Syntax. In New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics [Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 36],  pp. 161 ff. DOI logo
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2012. Abbreviations. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. xv ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2012. Copyright Page. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. iv ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2012. General Preface. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. ix ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2012. Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. In Count and Mass Across Languages,  pp. 311 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
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[no author supplied]
2022. Language Vitality. In The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact,  pp. 453 ff. DOI logo

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