This article takes a translanguaging perspective and is based on linguistic-ethnographic research. It investigates the
participants’ interactional engagement with their linguistic repertoire in two multilingual Belgian primary classrooms and the
pedagogical potential of these practices. Analyses demonstrate that teachers can transform translanguaging as a pedagogy into
practice by permitting pupils to interact, thereby co-constructing knowledge and valorizing their own and others’ translanguaging.
The article also shows how translanguaging practices are influenced by changes in evolving constellations and dynamics of a group,
by content, and by socio-situational, cognitive and linguistic factors. At the same time, the article highlights challenges for
translanguaging research, policy and pedagogy. With respect to further studies in this area, reflection is recommended on the
definition of translanguaging and the integration of speakers’ attitudes in research. In terms of policy, the article considers as
to how best to reconcile a multilingual reality with a monolingual educational ideology and reflects on the relationship between
macro level interventions and micro-interactional practices. For pedagogy, four challenges are highlighted: the degree of
acceptance of translanguaging practices in schools, the commitment to developing the school language for academic tasks, the need to
pay attention to the unequal treatment of languages, and the implementation of an innovative approach with a focus on teachers and
the creation of a powerful learning environment.
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