Part of
Aspects of Meaning Construction
Edited by Günter Radden, Klaus-Michael Köpcke, Thomas Berg and Peter Siemund
[Not in series 136] 2007
► pp. 7798
Cited by (21)

Cited by 21 other publications

Barcelona, Antonio
2024. Trends in cognitive-linguistic research on metonymy. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 11:1  pp. 51 ff. DOI logo
Tjuka, Annika
2024. Objects as human bodies: cross-linguistic colexifications between words for body parts and objects. Linguistic Typology 28:3  pp. 379 ff. DOI logo
Kosecki, Krzysztof
2023. Cognitive Semantics Against Creole Exceptionalism: On the Scope of Metonymy in the Lexicon of Nigerian Pidgin English. In Language in Educational and Cultural Perspectives [Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
Kosecki, Krzysztof
2023. On metonymy-based lexical innovations in Nigerian Pidgin English and Tok Pisin: A cognitive linguistic perspective. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 19:1  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
Kraska-Szlenk, Iwona & Beata Wójtowicz
2023. Derivation and semantic autonomy. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 28:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Mulahmetović Ibrišimović, Anela
2023. Metonymic Uses of Body Parts Hand in the English Language and Ruka and Šaka in the Bosnian Language. Društvene i humanističke studije (Online) 8:3(24)  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
Tsakuwa, Mustapha Bala, Xu Wen & Ibrahim Lamido
2023. A chained metonymic approach toίdὸ‘eye’ constructional metonymies in Hausa. Cognitive Linguistics 34:2  pp. 165 ff. DOI logo
Vezzani, Federica
2023. La connotation du vocabulaire somatique : une étude de cas comparative bilingue en oncologie. Meta 68:1  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Zhou, Siruo, Dan Xiong, Tongquan Zhou & Ping Pang
2023. On the Novel Chinese Modifier-Head Construction Shejian Shang de X : An Analysis of Meaning Construction. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 46:3  pp. 438 ff. DOI logo
Brdar, Mario & Rita Brdar-Szabó
2022. Targetting metonymic targets. In Figurative Thought and Language in Action [Figurative Thought and Language, 16],  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Snoek, Conor
2022. From ‘clubs’ to ‘clocks’: lexical semantic extensions in Dene languages. Cognitive Linguistics 33:1  pp. 193 ff. DOI logo
Thomou, Paraskevi & Marilena Koutoulaki
2022. From usage patterns to meaning construction. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 20:2  pp. 305 ff. DOI logo
Kraska-Szlenk, Iwona
2020. Introduction. In Body Part Terms in Conceptualization and Language Usage [Cognitive Linguistic Studies in Cultural Contexts, 12],  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Prażmo, Ewelina Maria
2019. “Leftie snowflakes” and other metaphtonymies in the British political discourse. Journal of Language and Politics 18:3  pp. 371 ff. DOI logo
Junior, José Carlos da Costa & Luiz Fernando Matos Rocha
2018. Compostos de discurso direto no português do Brasil: interação fictiva no léxico. Diacrítica 32:1  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Brdar-Szabó, Rita & Mario Brdar
2017.  Doing Tsukahara and the Epley in a cross-linguistic perspective. In Constructing families of constructions [Human Cognitive Processing, 58],  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Brdar-Szabó, Rita & Mario Brdar
2021. Metonymic indeterminacy and metalepsis. In Figurative Language - Intersubjectivity and Usage [Figurative Thought and Language, 11],  pp. 175 ff. DOI logo
Rasulic, Katarina
2017. Chapter 8. Shakespeare on the shelf, Blue Helmets on the move. In Studies in Figurative Thought and Language [Human Cognitive Processing, 56],  pp. 200 ff. DOI logo
Imamović, Adisa & Anela Mulahmetović Ibrišimović
2015. Some conceptual and grammatical properties of body part metonymies in English and Bosnian. ExELL 3:1  pp. 26 ff. DOI logo
Zhang, Weiwei, Dirk Geeraerts & Dirk Speelman
2015. Visualizing onomasiological change: Diachronic variation in metonymic patterns for woman in Chinese. Cognitive Linguistics 26:2  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
Lin, Yu-Chih
2013. Innovative Use of $Xi\bar{a}$ in Modern Taiwan Mandarin: A Witness to Pragmaticalization. In Chinese Lexical Semantics [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7717],  pp. 406 ff. DOI logo

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