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Clancy" bct P jbe-2011 "Instrumental Studies in Arabic Phonetics" 9789027248374 9789027283221 10.1075/cilt.319 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-12-21 2011-12-01 319 "Hassan, Zeki Majeed" cilt P jbe-2011 "New Frontiers in Human–Robot Interaction" 9789027204554 9789027283399 10.1075/ais.2 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-12-21 2011-11-30 2 "Dautenhahn, Kerstin" ais P jbe-2011 "Advances in Interpreting Research: Inquiry in action" 9789027224477 9789027283023 10.1075/btl.99 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-11-22 2011-11-04 99 "Nicodemus, Brenda" btl P jbe-2011 "Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics: Towards a consensus view" 9789027223821 9789027286765 10.1075/hcp.28 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-06-24 2011-06-16 28 "Benczes, Réka" hcp P jbe-2011 "Suarezismus: Erkenntnistheoretisches aus dem Nachlass des Jesuitengenerals Tirso González de Santalla (1624–1705). Abhandlung und Edition" 9789060323847 9789027287212 "Knebel, Sven K." 10.1075/bsp.51 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-04-22 2011-04-07 51 bsp P jbe-2011 "Motivation in Grammar and the Lexicon" 9789027223814 9789027287021 10.1075/hcp.27 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-06-29 2011-06-22 27 "Panther, Klaus-Uwe" hcp P jbe-2011 "Theory of Language: The representational function of language" 9789027211828 9789027286864 "Bühler, Karl" 10.1075/z.164 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-04-27 2011-05-02 164 z P jbe-2011 "Emergent Literacy: Children's books from 0 to 3" 9789027218087 9789027283238 10.1075/swll.13 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2011-10-26 2011-10-21 13 "Kümmerling-Meibauer, Bettina" swll P jbe-2011 "Referring Expressions in English and Japanese: Patterns of use in dialogue processing" 9789027256126 9789027286659 "Yoshida, Etsuko" 10.1075/pbns.208 fulltext "John Benjamins 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