publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth coverage_notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type oclc_number collection_id "Discourse Intonation in L2: From theory and research to practice" 9789027216915 9789027297525 "Chun, Dorothy M." 10.1075/lllt.1 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2002-04-08 2008-10-21 1 lllt P jbe-2015-lllt "English Language Learning and Technology: Lectures on applied linguistics in the age of information and communication technology" 9789027217035 9789027295958 "Chapelle, Carol A." 10.1075/lllt.7 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2003-12-17 2006-09-04 7 lllt F jbe-2015-lllt "Appraising Research in Second Language Learning: A practical approach to critical analysis of quantitative research. Second edition" 9789027219916 9789027287960 "Porte, Graeme Keith" 10.1075/lllt.28 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2010-10-26 2010-11-02 28 2 lllt P jbe-2015-lllt "Discourse in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms" 9789027219794 9789027291936 "Dalton-Puffer, Christiane" 10.1075/lllt.20 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2007-09-27 2008-07-01 20 lllt P jbe-2015-lllt "Teacher Education in CALL" 9789027219671 9789027293329 10.1075/lllt.14 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2006-09-01 2008-07-01 14 "Hubbard, Philip" lllt P jbe-2015-lllt "French Applied Linguistics" 9789027219725 9789027292889 10.1075/lllt.16 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2007-01-11 2008-07-01 16 "Ayoun, Dalila" lllt P jbe-2015-lllt "Vocabulary in a Second Language: Selection, acquisition, and testing" 9789027217097 9789027295316 10.1075/lllt.10 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2004-07-29 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