publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth coverage_notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type oclc_number collection_id "Irregularities in Modern English: Second edition revised by Erik Hansen" 9788776742553 9789027272744 "Nielsen, Hans Frede" 10.1075/nss.2 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2007-01-01 2012-08-16 2 nss P jbe-2015-nss "A Bibliographical Guide to Old Frisian Studies" 9788774929062 9789027272904 "Bremmer, Jr., Rolf H." 10.1075/nss.6 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1992-01-01 2012-08-16 6 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Zur Phonologie und Morphologie des Altniederländischen" 9788774928782 9789027272898 10.1075/nss.7 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1992-01-01 2012-08-16 7 "Bremmer, Jr., Rolf H." nss P jbe-2015-nss "Consonant Strength in Upper German Dialects" 9788774929598 9789027272867 "Goblirsch, Kurt Gustav" 10.1075/nss.10 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1994-01-01 2012-08-16 10 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Make Peace and Take Victory: Support verb constructions in Old English in comparison with Old Irish" 9788776746322 9789027272713 "Ronan, Patricia" 10.1075/nss.24 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2012-01-01 2012-08-16 24 nss P jbe-2015-nss "The Unaccented Vowels of Proto-Norse" 9788778380494 9789027272850 "Syrett, Martin" 10.1075/nss.11 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1994-01-01 2012-08-16 11 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Norse-derived Vocabulary in late Old English Texts: Wulfstan's works, a case story" 9788776741969 9789027272737 "Pons-Sanz, Sara M." 10.1075/nss.22 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2007-01-01 2012-08-16 22 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Prepositions in Old and Middle English: A study of prepositional syntax and the semantics of At, In and On in some Old and Middle English texts" 9788774929222 9789027272874 "Lundskær-Nielsen, Tom" 10.1075/nss.9 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1993-01-01 2012-08-16 9 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Friesische Studien I: Beiträge des Föhrer Symposiums zur Friesischen Philologie vom 10.–11. Oktober 1991" 9788774928867 9789027272881 10.1075/nss.8 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1992-01-01 2012-08-16 8 "Faltings, Volkert F." nss P jbe-2015-nss "Skandinavisch-schottische Sprachbeziehungen im Mittelalter: Der altnordische lehneinfluss" 9788778388735 9789027272768 "Kries, Susanne" 10.1075/nss.20 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2003-01-01 2012-08-16 20 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Friesische Studien III: Beiträge des Föhrer Symposiums zur Friesischen Philologie vom 11.–12. April 1996" 9788778382641 9789027272782 10.1075/nss.18 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1997-01-01 2012-08-16 18 "Faltings, Volkert F." nss P jbe-2015-nss "Runic and Mediterranean Epigraphy" 9788774926832 9789027272911 "Morris, Richard L." 10.1075/nss.4 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1988-01-01 2012-08-16 4 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Det Gamle Shetlandske Sprog: George Low's ordliste fra 1774" 9788774926450 9789027272928 "Rendboe, Laurits" 10.1075/nss.3 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1987-01-01 2012-08-16 3 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Alfred den Store, Danmarks geografi: En undersøgelse af fire afsnit i Den gamle engelske Orosius" 9788774925439 9789027272935 "Jørgensen, Ove" 10.1075/nss.1 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1985-01-01 2012-08-16 1 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Drei Studien zum Germanischen in alter und neuer Zeit" 9788778380616 9789027272836 10.1075/nss.13 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1995-01-01 2012-08-16 13 "Askedal, John Ole" nss P jbe-2015-nss "From Dialect to Standard: English in England 1154–1776" 9788778389459 9789027272751 "Nielsen, Hans Frede" 10.1075/nss.21 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2005-01-01 2012-08-16 21 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Friesische Studien II: Beiträge des Föhrer Symposiums zur Friesischen Philologie vom 7.–8. April 1994" 9788778380593 9789027272843 10.1075/nss.12 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1995-01-01 2012-08-16 12 "Faltings, Volkert F." nss P jbe-2015-nss "The Continental Backgrounds of English and its Insular Development until 1154" 9788778384201 9789027272775 "Nielsen, Hans Frede" 10.1075/nss.19 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1998-01-01 2012-08-16 19 nss P jbe-2015-nss "A Concise Grammar of the Old Frisian Dialect of the First Riustring Manuscript" 9788778381873 9789027272805 "Boutkan, Dirk" 10.1075/nss.16 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1996-01-01 2012-08-16 16 nss P jbe-2015-nss "The Origins and Development of Emigrant Languages: Proceedings from the Second Rasmus Rask Colloqium, Odense University, November 1994" 9788778382269 9789027272799 10.1075/nss.17 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1996-01-01 2012-08-16 17 "Nielsen, Hans Frede" nss P jbe-2015-nss "Old English Legal Language: The lexical field of theft" 9788778381941 9789027272812 "Schwyter, Jürg R." 10.1075/nss.15 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1996-01-01 2012-08-16 15 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Nordfriesische Grabhügelnamen mit anthroponymem Erstglied: Zur form und flexion älterer nordfriesischer rufnamen" 9788778381880 9789027272829 "Faltings, Volkert F." 10.1075/nss.14 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1996-01-01 2012-08-16 14 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Beiträge zur Morphologie: Germanisch, Baltisch, Ostseefinnisch" 9788776742492 9789027272720 10.1075/nss.23 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2007-01-01 2012-08-16 23 "Fix, Hans" nss P jbe-2015-nss "Old Northumbrian Verbal Morphosyntax and the (Northern) Subject Rule" 9789027240712 9789027269911 "Cole, Marcelle" 10.1075/nss.25 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2014-07-17 2014-06-30 25 nss P jbe-2015-nss "Early Germanic Languages in Contact" 9789027240736 9789027268235 10.1075/nss.27 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2015-06-11 2015-05-29 27 "Askedal, John Ole" nss P jbe-2015-nss "Norn im keltischen Kontext" 9789027240729 9789027268327 "Lindqvist, Christer" 10.1075/nss.26 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2015-08-05 2015-07-24 26 nss P jbe-2015-nss