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Volume 1" 9789027220738 9789027273741 10.1075/z.lkul1 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1990-01-01 2012-03-12 "LKUL 1" "Halliday, M.A.K." z P jbe-2015-psychology "The Constitution of Visual Consciousness: Lessons from Binocular Rivalry" 9789027213570 9789027271822 10.1075/aicr.90 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2013-08-28 2013-08-07 90 "Miller, Steven M." aicr P jbe-2015-psychology "Consciousness Recovered: Psychological functions and origins of conscious thought" 9789027251602 9789027297860 "Mandler, George" 10.1075/aicr.40 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2002-05-23 2003-01-01 40 aicr P jbe-2015-psychology "Nonverbal Communication across Disciplines: Volume 2: Paralanguage, kinesics, silence, personal and environmental interaction" 9789027221827 9789027297112 "Poyatos, Fernando" 10.1075/z.ncad2 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2002-03-22 2003-01-01 "NCAD 2" z P jbe-2015-psychology "Cognitive Semantics and Scientific Knowledge: Case studies in the cognitive science of science" 9789027238900 9789027295668 "Kertész, András" 10.1075/celcr.4 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2004-04-29 2008-10-21 4 celcr P jbe-2015-psychology "Curious Emotions: Roots of consciousness and personality in motivated action" 9789027251978 9789027294555 "Ellis, Ralph D." 10.1075/aicr.61 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2005-04-26 2008-07-01 61 aicr P jbe-2015-psychology "A Neurolinguistic Theory of Bilingualism" 9789027241269 9789027285362 "Paradis, Michel" 10.1075/sibil.18 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2004-06-02 2011-04-08 18 sibil P jbe-2015-psychology "Incomplete Acquisition in Bilingualism: Re-examining the Age Factor" 9789027241757 9789027290410 "Montrul, Silvina" 10.1075/sibil.39 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2008-09-17 2008-09-19 39 sibil P jbe-2015-psychology "Anthropology of Color: Interdisciplinary multilevel modeling" 9789027232434 9789027291707 10.1075/z.137 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2007-11-21 2008-07-01 137 "MacLaury, Robert E." z F jbe-2015-psychology "Theoretical and Methodological Developments in Processability Theory" 9789027203045 9789027267702 10.1075/palart.4 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2015-12-11 2015-11-26 4 "Baten, Kristof" palart P jbe-2015-psychology "Lexical Input Processing and Vocabulary Learning" 9789027213280 9789027268051 "Barcroft, Joe" 10.1075/lllt.43 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2015-12-11 2015-11-26 43 lllt P jbe-2015-psychology "Creative Confluence" 9789027234056 9789027270573 "Hoorn, Johan F." 10.1075/lal.16 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2014-05-22 2014-05-02 16 lal P jbe-2015-psychology "Transfer Effects in Multilingual Language Development" 9789027214171 9789027268693 10.1075/hsld.4 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2015-04-29 2015-04-13 4 "Peukert, Hagen" hsld P jbe-2015-psychology "Writing Organization: (Re)presentation and control in narratives at work" 9789027233042 9789027298362 "Rhodes, Carl" 10.1075/aios.7 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2001-08-21 2008-10-21 7 aios P jbe-2015-psychology "Empty Categories in Sentence Processing" 9789027227645 9789027298249 "Featherston, Sam" 10.1075/la.43 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2001-09-06 2008-10-21 43 la P jbe-2015-psychology "Meaning Predictability in Word Formation: Novel, context-free naming units" 9789027215635 9789027294562 "Štekauer, Pavol" 10.1075/sfsl.54 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2005-03-18 2006-09-04 54 sfsl P jbe-2015-psychology "Early Language Development: Bridging brain and behaviour" 9789027234759 9789027291332 10.1075/tilar.5 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2008-02-14 2008-07-01 5 "Friederici, Angela D." tilar P jbe-2015-psychology "Stratification in Cognition and Consciousness" 9789027251350 9789027299970 10.1075/aicr.15 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1999-11-15 2008-10-21 15 "Challis, Bradford H." aicr P jbe-2015-psychology "Consciousness Emerging: The dynamics of perception, imagination, action, memory, thought, and language" 9789027251596 9789027297877 "Bartsch, Renate" 10.1075/aicr.39 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2002-04-08 2008-10-21 39 aicr P jbe-2015-psychology "Nonverbal Communication across Disciplines: Volume 1: Culture, sensory interaction, speech, conversation" 9789027221810 9789027297129 "Poyatos, Fernando" 10.1075/z.ncad1 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2002-03-22 2003-01-01 "NCAD 1" z P jbe-2015-psychology "Radical Enactivism: Intentionality, Phenomenology and Narrative. 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