publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth coverage_notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type oclc_number collection_id "Convention and Innovation in Literature" 9789027222091 9789027278340 10.1075/upal.24 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1989-01-01 2011-12-19 24 "D’haen, Theo" upal P jbe-2015-upal "Exploring Postmodernism: Selected papers presented at a Workshop on Postmodernism at the XIth International Comparative Literature Congress, Paris, 20–24 August 1985" 9789027221995 9789027278586 10.1075/upal.23 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1988-01-01 2011-12-19 23 "Calinescu, Matei" upal P jbe-2015-upal "Cultural Participation: Trends since the Middle Ages" 9789027222190 9789027276827 10.1075/upal.31 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1993-07-08 2011-12-19 31 "Rigney, Ann" upal P jbe-2015-upal "Aspects of Literary Comprehension: A cognitive approach" 9789027222176 9789027276841 "Zwaan, Rolf A." 10.1075/upal.29 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1993-07-08 2011-12-19 29 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Dutch Literature in the Age of Rembrandt: Themes and ideas" 9789027222145 9789027277589 "Schenkeveld, Maria A." 10.1075/upal.28 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1991-01-01 2012-03-12 28 upal P jbe-2015-upal "The Search for Self-Definition in Russian Literature" 9789027222138 9789027277596 10.1075/upal.27 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1991-12-05 2011-12-19 27 "Thompson, Ewa M." upal P jbe-2015-upal "Writing History as a Prophet: Postmodernist innovations of the historical novel" 9789027222121 9789027277602 "Wesseling, Elisabeth" 10.1075/upal.26 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1991-12-05 2011-12-19 26 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Courtly Literature: Culture and Context. Proceedings of the 5th triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 9–16 Aug. 1986" 9789027222114 9789027278036 10.1075/upal.25 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1990-01-01 2011-12-19 25 "Busby, Keith" upal P jbe-2015-upal "The Muzzled Muse: Literature and censorship in South Africa" 9789027222206 9789027298003 "Lange, Margreet de" 10.1075/upal.32 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1997-04-10 2008-10-21 32 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Mere Irish & Fíor-Ghael: Studies in the idea of Irish nationality, its literary expression and development" 9789027221988 9789027279156 "Leerssen, Joep" 10.1075/upal.22 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1986-01-01 2011-12-19 22 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Approaching Postmodernism: Papers presented at a Workshop on Postmodernism, 21–23 September 1984, University of Utrecht" 9789027221964 9789027286321 10.1075/upal.21 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1986-01-01 2011-04-12 21 "Fokkema, Douwe W." upal P jbe-2015-upal "'Le Roman des Eles', and the Anonymous: 'Ordene de Chevalerie': Two Early Old French Didactic Poems. Critical Editions with Introduction, Notes, Glossary and Translations, by Keith Busby" 9789027221926 9789027280237 "De Hodenc, Raoul" 10.1075/upal.17 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1983-01-01 2011-12-19 17 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Text to Reader: A Communicative Approach to Fowles, Barth, Cortazar, and Boon" 9789027221919 9789027280244 "D’haen, Theo" 10.1075/upal.16 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1983-01-01 2011-12-19 16 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Knowledge and Commitment: A problem-oriented approach to literary studies" 9789027222220 9789027298553 "Fokkema, Douwe W." 10.1075/upal.33 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2000-04-15 2008-10-21 33 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Towards a Romantic Conception of Nature: Coleridge's Poetry up to 1803: A study in the history of ideas" 9789027222053 9789027279897 "Rookmaaker, H.R." 10.1075/upal.20 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1984-01-01 2011-12-19 20 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Literary History, Modernism, and Postmodernism: (The Harvard University Erasmus Lectures, Spring 1983)" 9789027221940 9789027279903 "Fokkema, Douwe W." 10.1075/upal.19 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1984-01-01 2011-12-19 19 upal P jbe-2015-upal "The Moral Laboratory: Experiments examining the effects of reading literature on social perception and moral self-concept" 9789027222237 9789027298546 "Hakemulder, Frank" 10.1075/upal.34 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2000-06-15 2008-10-21 34 upal P jbe-2015-upal "Fictional Realities: The uses of literary imagination" 9789027222183 9789027276834 "Mooij, J.J.A." 10.1075/upal.30 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1993-07-15 2011-12-19 30 upal P jbe-2015-upal "The Psychology and Sociology of Literature: In honor of Elrud Ibsch" 9789027222244 9789027297181 10.1075/upal.35 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 2001-12-21 2008-10-21 35 "Schram, Dick" upal P jbe-2015-upal "Carlyle and Jean Paul: Their Spiritual Optics" 9789027222039 9789027280510 "Vijn, J.P." 10.1075/upal.18 fulltext "John Benjamins Publishing Company" monograph 1982-01-01 2011-12-19 18 upal P jbe-2015-upal