Mobile apps as language-learning tools: Challenges, problems and solutions of specialised lexicography
Ventspils University of Applied Sciences
This contribution researches various translation dictionaries – mobile apps with Latvian that are available for
free on the Google Play Store and sets out the experience of developing specialised translation dictionaries at Ventspils
University of Applied Sciences (VUAS). The results encounter three different dictionary models that are compiled for the
acquisition of Languages for Special Purposes (LSPs) to support vocabulary (term) learning, translation, reading, listening and
writing skills during the foreign language-learning process. Dictionaries with grammatical information and rich, supportive data
or encyclopaedic information added are more useful for understanding specific domain concepts and content, as well as for the
translation practice. Thus, the dictionary user does not have to look for another application or other source to get this
additional information. Each new app takes up some space on the user’s smart device; therefore, it is important to maximise the
support provided by a single dictionary. The research provides insight into the range of dictionaries with Latvian available on
the Google Play Store, gives a brief description, and explains the practical experience of VUAS when working on developing such
dictionaries and applying them for language-learning purposes and specialised terminology courses for students. The study also
provides an overview of challenges, problems and lexicographic and information technology solutions for mobile applications. The
goal of the research is analysing and characterising those free-of-charge dictionaries in the form of mobile apps with Latvian as
one of the translation languages. Surveys were used to gather and analyse research data. A survey of dictionary users and a survey
of language learners using dictionary apps were carried out after the development of the specialised dictionaries.
Dictionary apps are valuable tools because of their capacity for publishing media and the fact that they are available for
use on mobile devices that are always available. Certainly, the contents and functionality of such dictionaries are important so that
they can be swiftly and effectively used for language learning and translating. Most of the largest compilers of general dictionaries
have quickly adapted to the increased use of various mobile devices and have developed mobile versions for their dictionaries (e.g.,
the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the Oxford Dictionary of English). This is generally applied to the larger and more popular languages,
whereas the offer for languages like Latvian currently is not as wide. Although the development of specialised dictionaries in the
form of mobile apps is a relatively recent trend, the number and use of such dictionaries are constantly increasing.
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